As we all know there are quite a few actors and models who make money because they bear a resemblance to some much better known actress/model, so they appear on talk shows and auto sales center openings, doing and saying things the Real Thing wouldn’t actually do or say.
Well, given that, you’d figure there would be a thriving industry of porn models and actresses ALSO doing things that the Real Thing would never actually do (on camera, for less than a couple million bucks and maybe not even then). But there isn’t. A Google search revealed NO websites advertising porn models who look EXACTLy like so-and-so who did THAT, and also THE OTHER exotic thing to do in bed.
I did find a harcore film that advertises a porn lookalike, a January 2006 release starring “Pamela Sandersin” said to look like “Pamela Anderson” and doing the things Pamela Anderson has been known to do, and probably a lot more. But that’s about it. And in a Web that literally TEEMS with Photoshopped pics of every last hottie in Hollywood’s face pasted over a pornstar doing various brands of nasty, and pics of every hottie in Hollywood based on vidcaps and stills from some flick they did when they were young and didn’t know any better (they say) the question begs to be asked: Why isn’t some Eurohottie trading on a resemblance to Jessica Alba/Lindsay Lohan/Kirsten Dunst/whomever and her willingness to do all sorts of stuff they wouldn’t? Why aren’t a LOT of porny hotties doing that?
I would imagine that there has to be some legal reason why this has never happened, 'cause porn people are known for being willing to do about anything that won’t land them in jail or the poorhouse if there’s a buck in it, and there’s GOTTA be bucks in that …
No legal reason that I can think of. As long as the resemblance is not formally stated, so that they’re not violating the image and name of the celebrity, mere likenesses aren’t a problem. And considering the huge celebrity double industry in California, there might be a way around that as well.
Doubles do go back quite a ways. Rhonda Jo Petty was explicitly billed as a Farrah Fawcett lookalike when she debuted in porn and stayed that way even after she changed her name.
And the book and movie L.A. Confidential featured a very real Hollywood brothel of the 30s whose inhabitants used makeup and plastic surgery to duplicate star’s features.
So why aren’t there more? Well, once Rhonda Jo got her clothes off and started engaging in sex scenes, she didn’t really look at all like Farrah Fawcett. My guess is that it’s simply too hard to find doubles who are as convincing nude and active as they would be in a still, carefully contrived, photo. The disappointment factor is too high.
NOTE: Allthough it’s theoretically “Work Safe,” as all images of naughty-bits have been covered up by cute fluffy kittens, it does have sound that may attract unwanted attention, and also be aware that a nasty porn pic with a strategically positioned kitten may not be entirely worksafe, depending on where you work.
Yes, but Mary doesn’t look all that much like Mariah, most especially from the neck down, and not all that much from the neck up. I don’t think anybody would call her a real “lookalike.” Besides, Mary is clearly a LOT smarter than Mariah.
I agree that it’s a lot easier to find a match with a simple pic than with a video. I used to do a thing where I’d pair up isolated images of bondage models from the Web and well known celebrities, and it was amazing how often I was able to get a match with models who, in other photos, looked nothing like the celeb.
I just figure there might be a high enough premium on someone who looks very much like, say Jessica Alba or Sandra Bullock (one of my bondage lookalikes was Sandra Bullock, a painting of a slavegirl from a Gor novel that had a STRIKING resemblance) that it would be worthwhile to produce and market films like “Sandy Buttocks, an AMAZING lookalike for Sandra Bullock, Does Dallas!”
I would say it is just a lack of finding a lot of exact doubles who will do porn. I think a porn studios dream would be to find a near double of a famous celebrity. You couldn’t prevent someone from working in any field solely because they looked like someone else. The industry uses take-offs of the names anyway (Wesley Pipes,
Micheal J. Cox, Dru Berrymore, etc) without problem, as I would assume no rational person would think the guy from Family Ties is now doing gay porn.
And in addition to Mary Carey, there is a porn star named (I think) Mariah Cherry who looks damn near identical to a young Mariah Carey. I can’t find a work safe link- maybe someone else can.
I think Kelli Thomas used to use an alias similar to Christina Applegate when she was younger and bore a strong resemblance to her, not so much anymore though, heh.
I guess you’re operating under the presumption that people find mainstream actresses sexier and more desirable than porn actresses when both are placed in the context of having sex on camera. I doubt that I will find a movie of Angelina Jolie or whatever doing the nasty to be particularly arousing, once the novelty factor wears off, especially compared to any number of porn actresses who are better looking than her and more than likely better at their jobs than she is.
It might just be me, of course, but I don’t find mainstream actresses to be particularly arousing in general, compared to porn starlettes. While I am enamoured by some, it is much more a kind of “I’d like to go on a dinner date and have some intelligent conversation while walking on the beach with her” kind of thing rather than I’d like to watch her play with herself" kind of thing. No freaky tentacle sex would be needed for me to have an enjoyable evening with Natalie Portman or Rachael Leigh Cook.
Actually, I agree with you – porn stars are more attractive and better at doing sex onscreen than mainstream stars. I’ll take Jenna Jameson, Mary Carey or Tori Sinclair over Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lindsay Lohan, etc. al, any day. Howeiver, the ginormous mountain of evidence in terms of Photoshopped images of mainstream stars’ faces pasted over porn actors’ bodies (something I have never done, though I DO have the Photoshop chops to do it well) indicates that there is a HUGE audience – a much larger one than you, me and others who share our views – for celebrity sex.
I don’t think many people look THAT much like other people, such that they’d be worthwile as a lookalike in pornography. On the other hand, if Leelee Sobieski’s mainstream career falters, she could always start a second career.
Ok, so this thread indicates that there are a lot of guys who look at porn star’s faces when they’re watching those movies. Well, after all, the goal of the bbs is “fighting ignorance,” so count me enlightened. Faces. Huh.
Well, I can say as a gay guy who watches gay porn that I like to look at faces, too. Especially when the actor is convincing at making you believe he’s actually in the moment instead of being in the middle of his 14th take of this scene and frankly ready to fill the next bare ass he sees full of birdshot…
And I can definitely say that the scenes I really fast forward through are the parts where all we see are closeups of butts and nuts, even if they’re “in action”…BORING!