Is there a requirement that clothing tags be in the collar?

Hanes is now advertising a shirt with no tag. I assume either they print the information directly into the collar, or it’s on a hem tag.

But why hasn’t someone done this before? Isn’t everyone annoyed by the tags, even the people who make the clothes. Especially since they usually are attached with sharp nylon fibers.

Yes, the new line prints the label onto the inside of the shirt, just below the collar, where a normal tag would be.

I suspect the tags are located there because, if you hang a shirt normally, that’s really the only portion of the inside visible without unbuttoning/turning inside-out or generally putting a lot of effort into it. Some dress shirts (Arrow springs to mind) have a small tag sewn at four points onto the outside of the cuff, but you’re expected to remove it before you wear it. I can’t remember if they also have the traditional care-tag or not.

Considering that the consumer generally looks at a tag exactly twice (once when buying, once when trying to find out why it was destroyed in their dryer), the clothes industry obviously doesn’t have our comfort in mind. Any woman could have told you this already. (No offense if you are a woman, of course.)

I’ve had a few shirts which had small tags on the inside seam of one side instead, and they itched like buggery too. There’s really no good place to put a tag, and the clothes industry far outdates cheap, reliable printing such as Hanes is using. I think this is just a case of “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”

Christian Dior dress shirts (not underwear, I know) have the label on the front bottom of the button up part of the shirt.
Some brand of Tee I once purchased had them in the sleeves. I can’t remember the name and I no longer have the shirt.