i have been searching for sites with speeches by hitler, nassar, joseph goebbels and william henry seward. (i don’t know how hated seward was, but he was an add on). i have long ago despaired of finding anthologies of speeches by anybody who is not politically correct in the bookstores, so i am sure that there must be some sites somewhere. the only collections that i have found were from barnes and noble -kennedy and lincoln. pretty boring and very few in each. i also found a big volume with a bunch of lenin’s speeches, but that was at a used place, so i can’t rely upon them. there is also one with about 12 speeches by goebbels, but they are all hitler’s birthday and pretty bland. i want the ones that really stirred the people up. so, where is there a good site? or even a site that sells books of their speeches?
Your best bet is searching the online catalog of a good library using the speaker’s name in the author field and the word speeches as a keyword. You can then go to the library and check the book out or order it through Interlibrary Loan if your local library doesn’t have anything.
Such a search for Hitler turns up several likely books, including Speeches and proclamations, 1932-1945 by Adolf Hitler, edited by Max Domarus, translated from the German by Mary Fran Gilbert
What are these ‘libraries’ of which you speak?
Here’s two spots I found with minimal googling: