Is there a strong Christian backlash to Trump's sedition?

And you’re claiming that the views of one church today are indicative of what all American Christians today believe, let alone of what all Christians over the past 2000 years have believed?

I am not seeing that claim being made at all, and this thread isn’t about what all American Christians believe.

Then what’s the point of describing what the views of one church are?

To point out the views of that one church, perhaps?

If your point, as I understand it, is that the views of Christian congregations in general reflect those of their communities, and their politics don’t differ appreciably, I’d say you’re right - with the notable exception of American white evangelicalism, which is far more conservative than the American norm generally.

And while its origins may be in Southern and rural communities that have the same norms as their evangelicals, there are white evangelical congregations in suburban communities all across America, and those congregations retain the conservatism of their denomination/movement, while differing substantially from the increasingly blue suburbs where they’re situated.

White evangelicals really are a political standout among American religious groupings in this way, and that’s what makes them noticeable. It’s not just that they’re “an easy media dog whistle.”

What they actually wrote was “As a political group, Christians…” which definitely limits it. So you quoted him out of the context that clearly limited it to politicized Christians and then accused them of not limiting it. This is jerky behavior; please cease. No warning.

For the most part, they hold that whistle.

I think that would have been an accurate statement in the late 1970s as white evangelical politics were only just becoming what they are now. But after forty years and a couple of generations of people growing up evangelical, there’s really no ‘before’ anymore: for most evangelicals under 50, political and religious beliefs have been intertwined and practically fused since they were children. And for the rest, that ‘before’ was in the distant past.

(I’d also take issue with Du Mez’ description of “born-again Christians” as an older term for evangelicals: these are two different things entirely. But that’s a whole 'nother can of worms.)

Definitely true. W describes himself as born again, but is anything but a Trump supporter and openly backed Biden.

I would suggest you pick up a history book.

People who call themselves “Christian” don’t give a flying fuck about tenants (if they are the landlords) or christian tenets. People who call themselves “evangelical” have shown themselves to be racist first, second and last and hypocrite in between.(They even are selectively anti-choice – If it it their choice its ok, If a black lady wants an abortion they are murdering babies.)

Dear landlord, please don’t put a price on my soul

You really, really do need a “some” in there. Even for the people who call themselves “evangelical”. Go look at the second link I posted above in post #70.

I’d go with ‘most’ in the case of evangelicals (and yes, I’m quite familiar with Fred Clark’s blog). And over time, churches in general have only rarely protested wars and other state-sponsored violence.

Please, please, please, I’m not trying to troll you, but could you please explain to me the distinction you’re making. I honestly don’t understand it at all. The subject of the sentence didn’t change at all. Only the adverb changed. The sentence is talking about Christians. The adverb just makes it clear that it’s about the political views of Christians. It doesn’t limit the sentence to being about any particular group of Christians. It didn’t limit it to any one group of Christians. Please, please, please, please, please explain to me the distinction you’re making it. I honestly don’t understand what distinction you’re making. I can’t figure out what you’re talking about here. I’m utterly lost.

They are doing such a great job in distancing themselves from their worst specimens that I don’t feel the need.

Maybe because the USA is largely Christian? About 23rds is Christian, with 25% being not much of any religion, and Atheism at maybe 4%, Judaism 2%, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam all being around 1%, and a smattering of others making up about 2%. So, the chance of any one person evincing their faith is gonna be around 90% Christian, and iirc the Q-anon shaman is some sort of pagan?

About 2/3rds of the people who voted for Biden are Christians. Joe is well known as a devout Catholic. Christians, as a large group- are no more behind trump than Biden.

Sure, trump does have a odd following among evangelical Christians, who see/saw him as their weapon against “baby-killing abortion”. They are blind to any other failing as long as they get their way on this one critical to them issue. This happens with quite a few single issue voters.

But Evangelical Christians are a small group . The Op here is tarring a large group with a broad brush. In fact, with such a broad brush and a noticeable lack of the qualifying word Evangelical we are getting pretty close to bigotry here. The Ops well known outspoken Atheism could be a factor.

This is like blaming Americans for the Jan 6th violence. Yes, most of them were Americans, sure, but since most of us are Americans it is meaningless. Even calling them “Republicans” is maybe too large a brush.

This is not true.

Capitol riot: Pope Francis says violence in DC must be 'condemned' - ABC7 Chicago.
# Pope Francis says violence at the US Capitol must be ‘condemned’… Pope Francis said in a recent interview that the violence that broke out at the United States Capitol building on Wednesday “must be condemned.”

“Violence is always like this,” the Pope said in comments to Italy’s Canale 5 channel that CNN translated to English, adding that that there are violent outbreaks in every country’s history “and no people can boast of not having one day a case of violence.”

Violence has also been perpetuated by the Muslims, Jews, Hindus and so forth. In fact, let’s just say People do a lot of violence no matter their religion.

Modhat: I’m very close to a warning here. Broadbrush attacks against “Christians” is close to hate speech and close to trolling. Please stop.

(I’m not picking on you, I’m just the one responding to the flag) What Exit?

This is just a guidance, not a warning. Nothing on your permanent record.