Is there a way to get a program to run twice at the same time?

I’ve got a program that just autoclicks, it is a single .exe file. I want it to do twice as much clicking, but loading the exe file whilst it’s active just brings up the window. Changing the filename and location doesn’t help. Is there any way I can get Windows 10 to force load 2 instances of the same program as though they are different?

You can do this by modifying the exe, but it’ll be a giant pain. I’m hazy on exactly what you need to modify to get different application IDs.

Depending on exactly what you want to do, something that creates an isolated environment like Sandboxie would be the easiest. The downside to this approach is the isolation means you’re not saving files or interacting with the host system.

It’s certainly the program itself checking whether there’s another instance running. It has nothing to do with Windows, because Windows in general doesn’t have a problem with running multiple instances. So it’s unlikely that there’s anything you can do.

Even if you got two instances to run, it might not work to click twice as fast, because Windows may have a limit set for timing click events.

If this is commercial software, I’m sure the developers who wrote it would be glad to make a new version for you for, likely, a relatively modest fee.

If this is something you grabbed for free, I think you’d be better off getting hold of the source code, changing the click delay, and recompiling it. You’ll need development software for the language your clicker was written in, but there’s free versions of that sort of thing that will do the job.

An autoclicker is not going to be complex software, so you won’t need much in the way of computer chops to pull this off.

You said you changed the filename and location; did you do this to a copy and try to run both copies at the same time?

I have a program that has no issue with running multiple instances, but I wanted separate buttons for the different instances on my taskbar. I just made a separate copy of the .exe with a slightly different name in the same folder and that did the trick.

Take for example Excel. If you open a file in Excel, then open another file in Excel, Excel will not create a new instance, it says, “Hey, I’m already running, I’ll open that file in that instance.” But there is an option where you do a magic incantation of right-clicking on the Excel icon in the task bar, holding down the ALT key, and clicking Excel, and it will ask if you want to open a new instance.

So, yeah, it is based on how the program is designed.

Also, the program may be designed so that running a second instance in the same address space will royally screw things up, cause conflicts, race conditions, overwrite each other’s memory, and God knows what. So it’s probably by design.

Yeah, I’m thinking if this is a thing that emulates mouse clicks, there could also very easily be problems with two copies of the executable both trying to do that at once.

I imagine whatever the actual problem is to be solved here, it may have other, better solutions, but I have the feeling the OP is never going to tell us about that.

I like to play online casinos, at one of them there is a really good offer each week, such that for the 7 seater table where it takes place there are at least 20 people who want to play, many of whom clearly have their own autoclicker software as they outspeed me. It’s long gone past the point where any manual clicking has a hope of getting a seat. Basically when someone maxes out their bonus they leave, then it’s first click first served. I need to improve my chances as it only runs for a limited time each week and I keep getting outclicked.

Hi. Which auto clicker do you use ?

OP Autoclicker 3.0

How many milliseconds have you set the click interval to?

0,which in reality gives 55 or so per second.

I very much doubt that you will get a better rate than that by running two instances. That sounds like the maximum rate at which Windows is accepting clicks from the program.

You might, possibly, get a better rate on a faster computer, but that’s probably the limit on your computer with that program.

Thanks for clarifying (and sorry for doubting you!).

There are gaming mice that have a hardware ‘rapid fire’ option - I can’t find any specifics on how rapid is ‘rapid’ in that context, but they often have drivers with a higher polling rate than standard mouse drivers, so in theory, they should be able to sustain a higher rate of input than normal.

Yeah. Theoretically the two instances could run in parallel in a multi-core CPU, but you’d still only have the one instance of your browser accepting those clicks as intended for the button in the casino.

Does the program accept “enter” as a substitute for left click if the focus is on the button? The auto-repeat feature of the keyboard could stack a lot of key-presses.

How do you get a keyboard to auto repeat?

If you mean just holding down a key, that won’t count as a repeat.