In The Greatest Expression of Hatred thread, someone linked to this masterpiece, which is quite possibly one of the best rants I’ve ever read here on the Dope, or anywhere for that matter. So it got me thinking that there are probably all sorts of amazing posts and threads out there that I am not aware of. I tried various search criteria to no avail, so I ask you: Does there exist a list somewhere of these gems? I know there is ‘Threadspotting’ on the Straight Dope main page, but those threads all seem to be a bit mainstream (though funny). I’m particularly interested in the train wrecks or explosive rants.
No. That is the only good post anyone has made so far.
Other than poking around in The truly great threads in SDMB history which has had 119 posts between 03-01-2009, 09:31 AM and 08-29-2011, 01:50 PM, if there’s a quicker or more streamlined way to search for those gems, I don’t know about it.
There are other such threads, some are linked to in that thread, and maybe other Dopers have their own techniques they could share.
ETA: Ninja’d!!
There have been compendiums of extra-good threads assembled from time to time. Including an on-going one of the various “Ask the _____” threads. The hard part is finding those compendiums. If I knew how, I’d provide links.
Here’s a really old one with stories about Melingate and such. Watershed Moments in SDMB History
I think Fenris and Guinastasia would be the two top posters to as for more info on this topic as, in my mind at least, they’re the de facto board historians.
A few years ago, with some helpers, I put together a bit of an archive of wild moments here. It’s been a long time since I updated so there might be some dead links. You might find a few interesting things on the “link mine” page.
Sure. Easy peasy.
There are these:
50 Greatest Straight Dope Rants
The Top 101 StraightDope Threads…Of All Time.
Ten years of the Dope: a history
The funniest thread on the dope
It’s not updated since 2008, but here’s a list of every single “Ask the…” thread from the start of the boards to 2008.
I just started (tonight) working on version 5.0 of that thread. Give me about a week and I’ll have it updated with the “Ask the…” threads from 2009-2011.
This stuff is great. Can’t the mods make a sticky with links to some of the more memorable threads?
First time I’ve read this magnificent rant.
Now I need to know how Euthanasiast knew my sister. :eek:
I was going to link to that as well a few minutes after the question was posted asking about trainwrecks, but thought better of it. Besides, I figured you should do it yourself.
ETA—also, I deleted the bookmark so no longer knew the exact link and didn’t feel like googling.
The problem with these collections of awesome threads is everytime I start into one days pass before I stand up again. They are entertaining but addictive.
Oh god! Marleoutage was not the first!
From here - Chronos posts: There was one time when a glitch in the IP ban feature accidentally banned everyone. Needless to say, that was fixed rather quickly.
As promised, Updated version of every “Ask the…” thread.