Is There an Equivalent to the Old 'List of Subscribed Threads Updated Since Your Last Visit' view?

I’ll be honest, I am mostly only still here to read updates on two threads, and when I log into this new version of the board - I have no idea if they’ve been updated or not, and I explicitly ‘watched’ them here.

Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of (any) page. The dropdown menu will have a list of your “watched” threads. The ones with new posts will have a slightly different colored background. New posts in watched threads will be indicated by a number in a circle that will pop up over your avatar.


Might be a bit easier to click the hamburger to the left of your avatar and select “Unread“

Isn’t that ALL unread, not just “watched” threads (topics!) that are unread?

Its just watched threads. For all threads, click “latest”

Everytime I’ve gone to ‘Unread’, I see no threads, even if one of the ones I watched was updated.

I don’t think ‘subscribed’ threads got converted to watched threads in the conversion. You may have to set those threads to watched again.

Hamburger; I like it. Lots better than Greek flag fragment I was mentally using.