I keep seeing this ridiculous thing on TV-there’s no way it actually works, is there?
Theoretically, anything that get’s you exercising is burning calories. Whether it’s any sufficient amount to matter is the question.
The thing always struck me as slightly obscene so I always have to laugh seeing someone use it.
Did you see this: “Designed Specifically For Women”? I bet it was.
I hang my head in shame.
“slightly obscene”? my daughter-in-law bought one as a gag gift for Christmas because it looks like handjob practice more than anything else!
No opinion of it actual benefits other than the above.
Love Rhombus: Don’t feel bad. I’ve just always wanted to do that.
It’s designed to trim excess fat from bank accounts.
It works.
It’s not the same thing, but when I had physical therapy for a shoulder injury, one of the things I was required to do was exercise with a device that involved shaking a long flexible rod, maybe a meter long. If you shake it at the resonant frequency it vibrated dramatically; if you didn’t shake it fast enough it wouldn’t do that. It was hard work to keep your arm moving fast enough to get the vibrational effect; if you kept it going for 30 seconds that was considered good.
It was a good workout for the shoulder muscles. I doubt it would have much of a weight loss effect. But I think this is the efffect the “Shakeweight” is based on.
If that kind of exercise worked, most men would have forearms like Popeye.
I was gonna be offended, and deny the implied accusation, but I realize now that I must embrace my inner essence in an egosyntonic fashion lest it become my downfall.
In short, I must embrace my motto: I yam what I yam.
Wait, I thought it was just a South Park gag! Does the real one give you cab fare when you’re done?
Speaking from experience, some women could use the practice!
It reminds me of a SNL Weekend Update where one of the upcoming holiday season’s “hot new toys” called Bump-It was demonstrated by Amy Poehler (it’s the final item in a 3:10 Weekend Update clip).
Just shake the pounds off?
Amazing that no one has ever thought of it before.
I laughed hard for 5 minutes when I first saw the video ad. Gave me a good ab workout.
I know I’m gonna regret this but I got one through my employer for a couple of dollars and believe it or not it seems to work. Granted, I’m not too big to begin with and do go to the gym but I’ll be damned if my arms don’t look better than they ever have (I’m a chick, by the way). It looks and feels stupid as all hell doing it but like anything else, if you put effort into it you get a pretty good work out. You may now commence with the mocking
No, he was wrong (and being rude), you were right. You came here to the SDMB to get the opinions of Dopers, not the opinions of a thousand random people and 10 thousand hucksters on the interweb- most of which conflict. So, his answer was useless.
And, what the experts would say ; sure, sorta, but no more than say just a couple of dumbells- but if you have fun using it, then it’s a good idea. Otherwise, it’s a overpriced fad.