For years I have said, and I meant it, that when my kid was grown and it wouldn’t be inconsiderate of my family obligations, I would gladly help people get the abortions they need, even if it meant personal risk. In other words, I would gladly escort someone into an abortion clinic even if it meant facing down screaming haters with a non-zero chance the clinic would be bombed.
Yeah, all very generous and brave of me, I’m sure. But now I AM old, my kid is grown, I have no romantic/friendship relationship that couldn’t withstand my loss, and … I live in Hawai’i, one of 16 states where abortion rights seem pretty safe.
I’m dedicated but I’m not rich enough to be flying off to Texas and smuggling desperate teens to Massachusetts or anything like that. I mean, maybe I could do that ONE time, but not repeatedly, and the problem is going to be a lot bigger than saving one kid.
Will there be anything I can do, beyond giving money to good causes that support abortion rights? (And writing my Congresspeople, but this is Hawai’i so they are already on the same side I am, generally speaking. )
I got an empty house in a place where it would still be allowed. I thought I’d offer it up for those who wanted to come and have the procedure. But with the price of gas/airfare/everyfuckingthingelse it would never happen.
If a state law, it’s gotta be overturned, right? Under the Supremacy Clause, if it is in the Federal Government’s power to control, the states can’t step in and write their own rules. It would be like a state with a drinking age of 21 saying it is illegal to cross state lines to drink in a state with the legal age of 18. On the face of it, wouldn’t that also be unconstitutional as a state is putting a limit on crossing state lines?
I just read somewhere that a complete set of abortion pills costs about $150. You could offer to buy some and mail them to a few people. Sure it’ll be illegal in the recipient’s state, but such a law will be impossible to enforce. And you might be protected by your own state’s laws.
Don’t underestimate the value of donating to (or volunteering with) transparent, effective, established organizations aligned with a cause that’s important to you. They’ve already done the groundwork and know how to direct your money or hours in ways that maximize value.
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to make an impact, and you don’t need to be the tip of the spear to fight the battle.
I’ve recently heard about the National Network of Abortion Funds, but I don’t know much about them yet. They do seem to be focused on doing exactly what you’re thinking about.
I’ve been wondering if something like that will be possible. Or if the pills need a prescription or something. But hopefully an organized movement may spring up to help people do that, if it’s doable.
Don’t junior-mod. If you have a complaint about a post or a thread, you know how to throw a flag.
It is far from established whether mailing something from one state to another would be illegal, despite @Hari_Seldon’s certainty that it would be.
Also, please keep in mind your tendency to hijack threads. You’ll receive a warning if you do it again. I encourage you to read the OP carefully before responding again.