Is there any way I can force my computer to shut down after a certain length of time?

I am trying to record something off of a tape player, and I would like to let the program run while I sleep. However, If I do so, the program will just continue running indefinitely until someone manually stops it. So unless anyone know of any sound recording free or shareware with a timer, I would like to know how to force the computer itself to shutdown.

Unfortunately hibernate or standby modes will not activate if a program is writing something to the hard drive.

What OS?

I know you can on a Mac (under energy saver control panel-- under schedule (in 9)), but I bet you aren’t on a Mac (purely a statistical guess).

Woops, Win XP.

How’s your coding experience? :slight_smile:

There are plenty of shareware/freeware utilities out there to do that - for example:

(don’t worry about the 95 in the URL, there are utils for all versions of Windows.)

Found several great little programs that did just as I asked.

I then realised that the recorded file will be lost unless it is manually saved.

Look into software the records mouse macros. You can set one up that will wait some number of minutes, then click your program’s end/save/exit. Then another time-delay program to shut down the computer.

Although, if you just set your computer’s power settings to power down the hard-drive and whatnot after a certain period of inactivity, and you switch off your monitor, power consumption can be pretty trivial.

Look into software the records mouse macros. You can set one up that will wait some number of minutes, then click your program’s end/save/exit. Then another time-delay program to shut down the computer.

Although, if you just set your computer’s power settings to power down the hard-drive and whatnot after a certain period of inactivity, and you switch off your monitor, power consumption can be pretty trivial.

There are audio recorder programs that can be programmed like a VCR. You could set it to record for one hour, and set the shutdown utility to kick in after that. I used to use such a software to record a radio show but I can’t remember the name, sorry. You can do a web search and find a few.