I want to know if there are legal ways in which an individual (not a business or government agency) might be able to get a person’s number in order to use it for a legitimate reason like location for child support enforcement, for example.
uh…for six years, this guy has dodged me. He knows he has a child and refuses to acknowledge him. I’m sure he’s just going to give it to me…:dubious:
What I meant was, how else would a person go about legally getting a SSN ?
Are they supposed to be secret? Nobody ever told me that. I’ve given my SSN out over a hundred times; it was my Student ID # in college, so it was on all the mail I ever got from the university…
So what you’re looking for is how to get somebody’s SSN, but not from him? Isn’t there some more straightforward way of tracking somebody down, particularly since you have a legitimate reason?
I know where he lives. I know where he works. The child support goons here won’t do a thing without a date of birth or a social security number.
I have seen all kinds of sites, X~Slayer, that offer the opportunity to locate people, but they will not provide the full social security number if they do find them. Besides, the problem is not that I can’t find him; I know the bastard’s work address and phone number. My problem is that I have no social security number to provide for the child support agency monkeys so they can send out paperwork to get the ball rolling.
I guess there is no way to get a social security number…what a bummer.
If the bum was in the military service and if he recorded his separation papers in the county courthouse, the SSAN will likely be on that.
The form used to be called DD-214. It’s been a long time since I was in the service, but it was something the military drilled into us then. After you leave the service, record your discharge papers in your home county.
Hvae you contacted a lawyer? You should be able to file a paternity suit without a social. If you know where he lives then the summons server can locate him and that’s all that is required, that he be served notice.
Or, you could steal his tax forms (okay bad idea)
If the Child support bubbas tell you this is required, do they suggest how to get this info?
Or you could try a aphone scam - not from you but from a friend. They’d have to be smooth though. You know you’ve won a trip, or unclaimed money just verify your birthdaye - he’d probabloy be a lot more willing to give tht up than his SSN.