Is there anyone you would hide from the police if asked?

Obviously a response to Qin’s thread.

Assume, for purposes of this discussion, that someone you know comes to you telling you that they have committed a felony which he believes was justified by the circumstances, but nonetheless technically illegal. (He gives you a quick sketch of the details as well.) He has every reason believe that, on the facts alone, they’d be found guilty at trial. The person claims that, so far as he knows, the police do not yet suspect him of this crime; the person further says that he’s nonetheless made arrangements to leave the country, but needs someplace to spend the night before flying off tomorrow. What he needs from you is a couch. He promises to be gone before you wake in the morning; he doesn’t want to tell you where he’s going, so that you don’t have to lie to the authorities if they ever ask.

Is there anyone in your life you can imagine helping out in this situation?

Yes of course, I have close friends and relatives who I would protect if I thought they were justified.

Sure. I’ll let almost anyone crash on the couch for one night. I don’t even want to know the story.

…but if they’re still there in the morning I’m turning them in.

Agree with above – it depends on what they allegedly did. Something really repugnant, hell, I’d turn in my own father (well, given our current relationship, I might even fabricate some evidence). Embezzlement --yeah, it’s bad, but as long as I could be a part of helping them get control of whatever started them down that path, sure. Illegal gambling? Same deal. Even armed robbery, if it were a close friend or a family member I liked, I’d help if I could be a part of making sure they got on the right path.

Why do you say “allegedly did”? The person’s flat-out admitted his literal guilt; he’s just averring that his actions, however illegal, is morally justified.

Nope. I’ll gladly give them the number of a lawyer they can talk to but they aren’t staying at my house.

If it was a friend I wouldn’t run to the phone to call the police, and if the police came looking for them they’d have a tough time getting information out of me as my response is always ‘I do not speak to the police without a lawyer.’

Of course it depends on what they did. Basically if it’s a money crime I’m in it to help them - if they need money that badly, they may benefit from some kindness. Either way, I’d give up the couch just for the one night.

Something worse…I don’t know. Depends on how much worse.

Why didn’t the idiot just ask to use my couch? I would have let him.

I would have tried to stop him before he spilled too many details. Once the whole story is out and in my lap I might feel the need to turn him in, depending on the crime and the person. Some people I trust more than the authorites when it comes to doing the right thing, some I don’t.

The OP doesn’t let you know what the crime was. They are only telling you they committed a crime and do not disclose the details.

If someone started explaining their crime to me the answer is shut up, I want no involvement.

I’d have to say it depends on the crime, but there are very few US criminal laws which I believe are bullshit. I’m a great believer in the rule of law and taking responsibility for one’s own actions; the mere fact that the person is trying to evade such responsibility would lower my opinion of them enough to where I wouldn’t want to help them.

This. If they said ‘I need to sleep on your couch tonight, I don’t want to explain’, I’d have no issues letting them. At the point where they admit they are on the lamb it’s ‘get the hell out of here’

Ahem. Bolding added:

Sure. Depending on circumstances.

  1. He has to be someone I’d find credible, otherwise I’d have to discount his claim that it was morally justified.
  2. His description of the act has to make sense. If it was something about hanging around a dark alley minding his own business, I’d have trouble believing it.
  3. His act as he described it would have to be morally justified.
  4. I would have substantial reason to believe he was not a threat to me or anybody else.

That would just be some of things I’d consider.

If it’s bestiality then I totally don’t want them around.

Thank you! FTR, it’s ‘on the lam’.

And if they didn’t tell me, how pissed would I be when I found out WHY they needed my couch and didn’t even tell me? Especially for the handful of people that I would do this for…they are friends of the caliber that I’d expect them to ask me for help.

This. I can think of four persons in particular (two of my siblings, and my two closest non-family friends) whom I’d help no questions asked, but I just wouldn’t feel right asking them to help ME no questions asked. I just couldn’t put them in the situation unawares.

Been there and done that so often that I would probably recommend they hid out in a better concealed location than my couch because chances are if the police start looking for them, my place will be high on their list.

There are several people I would help in this situation if I thought they were justified.

There are a few people I would help even if I thought they were wrong.

Anyone admitting to rape or child molestation will be at the least detained, perhaps maimed.

Oh my bad. In that case I’m kinda surprised at the number of people that would be willing to commit a felony on behalf of their friends or family.

Hmm. Is it a felony if the police aren’t looking for the person yet? That’s not a rhetorical question; I don’t know.

Anyway, it’s not ALL my family I’d do it for. It’s baby sister, older brother, and two best-friends-who-are-family-in-all-but-name. (I’m not counting my wife because if she’s going on the lam, so am I, and short of rape it wouldn’t matter what she’d done.)

But I have half a dozen other siblings, and that’s gonna be a whole 'nother ball game.