Is there anything out there that's universally hated?

I quite like it.

You’re only saying you hate hypocrites.

If never understood the purported hate for Vista. I’ve never had a problem with it.

This gets my vote.


<Carol Kane in The Princess Bride> Liar! </CKITPB>

The automated phone answering system:

If you are calling to…press 1
If you are calling to…press 2
If you are calling to…press 3
If you are calling to…press 4


Dead snakes decomposing on rough pavement, in the August summer heat.

I’ll see your Windows 98 and Windows ME and raise you Microsoft Bob.

I hate people who are like this. And stepping in dog shit.

It looks like you’re trying to win the thread. Can I help?

This is my pick, particularly when barefoot on a beach. At least there was a handy body of water nearby so I could clean it out from between my toes. boak

Why oh why did you do that?!

I call Uncle!!

Male mosquitoes are pollenators of many wildflowers, so I’d have to take them off the list.

Telemarketers, while a good choice, is not the most hated because people who have that job do get a paycheck that supports them - presumably they like getting paid (does not mean they like the job).

I am going to go with cancer as something universally hated.

In a sane world the answer would be black licorice. There’s this one liar that works down the hall who claims he likes though.

Maybe people who back into parking spaces during rush hour?

Any empty toilet paper roll which doesn’t get noticed until it’s too late.

Smells: decomposing flesh, rotting seafood, vomit, skunk spray, rotten eggs, body odor, bad breath.

A human action could qualify if it’s something one person does to another that is universally hated by the recipient of the action, not the actor of the action. Even the actor could hate it, when done by somebody else.

I nominate: Getting jilted.

“My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion.

You know, Emily, I really hate this thread!

(See the tag on the SDMB homepage.)

When someone takes a Sawzall to your Achilles tendon.

Although in a perfect world, the correct answer would be A Christmas Story.