Is there anything so terrible about straight hair?

The classic greener grass over the fence. But lemme tell ya… You girls with straight, fine hair… You Suck!!! I have curly/wavy hair… very coarse… It’s hell. It looks great, and been told it’s very sexy. That’s after the massive conditioning and moussing to get it half under control. If I simply run a brush through it, POOF I look like Rosanna Rosanna Danna. No lie! I keep it long cuz if I cut it short, it curls up like a brillo pad. It puts a big limit on styling too. It’s all about what looks good on you, but personally, I am terribly jealous of straight haired girls. I had straight hair until puberty, then I turned into Medusa. You can curl straight hair, but as was mentioned before, straightening curly hair just…doesn’t…work… lol

Oh yeah… As far as being fashionable, who cares? Since I can’t make my hair change to current fashions, I’ve long since went with the adage that “Fashion goes in and out of style…Style however, never goes out of fashion”. Wear what you look good in, and wear it well, to hell with trends… you may just become a trendsetter! Hey, I’ve had blonde streaks in my black hair for 4 years now. Suddenly the world is doing it, Even Steven Tyler. Now I have to dye them blue to be different:)