Is there anything so terrible about straight hair?

My hair is long and straight and I love it. I’ve got what my hair dresser calls glass hair, so even if I do curl it it straightens out within an hour or so. I have a friend who claims she suffers from “straight hair phobia”. She rolls her hair on velcro curlers every morning. I don’t understand it.

Don’t do anything to it(sepecially cut it). Those girls that tell ya to curl it or perm it that they don’t like it are just jealous.

::blushing:: Thanks! :slight_smile:

I agree.

…but after countless perms, etc I know embrace it. Long straight hair is the easiest to take care of (in my opinion, and I’ve done 'em all), the prettiest, and the most timeless. I’ve never looked back on a picture of myself with straight hair and said “ACK! What the hell was I thinking??” When I want to “do” my hair for an event, I go to a hairstylist and get a nice up-do or a braid. Very elegant, in my opinion. This pic isn’t the best, but it shows what I mean. Would it look better curly? I doubt it.
My usual hairstyle is a wash, condition, put it back wet with a hairband. When it dries, I take the band out, brush it, and that’s it. I occasionally put it in a pony tail or a barette. It’s now grown down to my lower back, which my husband loves (as he has a serious hair fetish)

Sounds good to me. I prefer hair that looks like it required minimal effort.

Take a good look at the “Before” and “After” pictures advertising perms and hair care products. The straight-hair model (“Before”) is usually not smiling, minimal or no makeup, and clothing is either frumpy, or if the same clothes as the “After” picture, not well lighted for the photo, both looking horrendous. Of course there will be a change - it’s not just the new perm or product that makes the model look happy/seductive/confident, it’s all of the above.

Me, I like my long straight hair. I’m growing everything out after faddish colors and years of Mom whining “Get a perm/color/whatever. just do something with your hair!” I’ve nearly given up on using gels, mousses and sprays, what with the humidity here, so I limit myself to having the bangs trimmed and the split ends cut off.

And I like me. And my wallet likes me.

ditto with the straight/fine/limp glass hair for me.

If its too long its filled with split ends and looks unhealthy, and if its short then i can’t do a thing with it and it just hangs there making my full face look chubby.

I just keep mine shoulder length and layered in the front and bottom so i’ll have extra pieces to play with if i ever feel like fixing up a 'do.

But i love straight hair. And everyone i’ve encountered loves mine too.

When I was a little girl, I had long straight hair and it was so pretty and easy to take care of! I now have naturally curly hair which looks nice but is a royal pain in the ass and it keeps getting more curly as I get older!

Actually, without my perm, I was doing MORE with my hair, just to make it look decent. I had to wash it at night, so I could get up and curl it with a curling iron and putting it in curlers for 20 minutes just so it would fall and at LEAST not be so flyaway. It was straight within ten minutes!
The ONLY way my hair would curl would be for me to get up early, take a shower, blow dry my hair, curl it with the iron, set it, and leave it in for at least 2 or 3 hours.

Yes, Ril, I did mean you, and you look cute too, Zette.
The only problem is, I KNOW once this perm grows out, my hair’s gonna be crap again, and I can’t be perming it constantly. There’s already a lot of breakage…


No, Zette, you do not need a perm!

Tamex, I think you’re right about salons!

soda, I think my hair could be described as “glass”, too. I would like long ringlets, but I just can’t make them stay!

So many compliments [blush]! After thinking it over, I think it also goes back to childhood rebellion, with me wanting long fairytale hair, and my mom wanting me to have a [gag] bowl haircut! And Stella, you’re right; I don’t think anyone complains against Gwyneth Paltrow. (Now Jennifer L.H. is another matter…)

Another guy’s vote for long straight hair.

Back (still this century, though) when I was in high school, I had this terrible crush on a girl I worked with at the golden arches. She had this incredible, long, reddish-brown straight hair. One day she came in, it was bleached blonde and permed. It looked awful.

Still have nightmares about that day.

I want my little kid hair back…thick, pin straight, paper white. Now its thick, does whatever it feels like on any given day, moldy blonde.

Sometimes those days are the gift of perfect fairy tale long loose kinks. I can go for those days. Most days its some half assed wave attempt or fly away screw the world look.

I wash the stuff, brush, and sometimes hack split ends off. Once a year I get six inches whacked off just to see if anyone notices. (They don’t.)

Yea, it probably looks like I don’t care about doing anything with my hair. I don’t. Like most other personal appearance issues, you get a vote when I sleep with you.

Truer words were never spoken. And GolfForFood, you’re absolutely right. I never ironed my hopelessly curly hair, but spent many a night w/ my (long) hair rolled up on orange-juice-can-sized rollers, trying to get it to straighten out. (Fat chance; one drop of rain in Tierra del Fuego and spoing!, it re-curled. Or just frizzed.)

I love the look of rain-straight hair. Short, long, thin, thick: doesn’t make a difference. It always looks so smooth, graceful and perfect.


Hold on, Medea. When I was typing the OP, I thought, “I should mention some of the people on here who wear long straight hair to good effect. Who’s the one curled up in a chair with the long blonde Galadriel hair? I could give her as a good example. What’s her name? ?? Oh well.”

Yet another guy’s vote for long, straight hair.

My girlfriend has long, straight, golden blonde hair. I think it’s fantastic. She wants to change it…curl it, perm it, colour it or chop it all off (much to my horror). Happily for me, my Mum had a hair-chemical disaster not so long ago in her desperate search for straight hair and has dome a great job of convincing my girlfriend not to change her hair :D.

Reading through what everyone else has said, I would say that when it comes down to hair, it tends to be a ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’ thing. But I reckon that hair in its natural state ALWAYS beats hair that’s been messed with.

Yes, she’s a very good example. I love her hair. I love how it feels. I love how it smells. Mmmm…

I wish my hair was curly, it’s so boooooooooooring as it is now, always wanted it to be curly.
Well, well, I’ll survive.

I hate my long straight hair. I have the opposite problem. The people at the salon won’t let me have a perm because it’s so damaging to my hair. Since I’m incapable of styling my own hair, I’m stuck with this long, straight limp stuff that hangs like spaghetti. I look terrible in short hair too.

I usually wear a ponytail when I’m at home, and clip it back when I go out. I also finally bought some hot rollers just to give it some lift.

Not according to my hair stylist.

Any advice for me? The perm won’t last forever!
I hate my hair. When I was little, it looked gorgeous long and straight and now it looks like worn seaweed.

But it looks sooooo pretty now that I have it permed. Loose and wavy…very rennaissance fairyish…

I love women with straight hair, perhaps as the result of childhood trauma :slight_smile: I went to high school in the '80’s, and I remember how every girl had a perm. Looking at my old high school yearbook, in fact, is like looking at a hairdresser’s catalogue of perms. My high school days were the start of my incurable longing for straight-haired women…