I read MPSIMS by starting where I left off last time, then clicking “Next thread” through the list. This has been happening lately, and today it’s happened over and over: pages keep loading up without the “Last thread/Next thread” options. Is this happening to anyone else? The board in general has been slow for me the last few days.
This has been happening to me for 2-3+ weeks in GQ. Very annoying, esp. when I’m behind like I am now
I’ve just been noticing extreme slowness, but I put that down to my use of a Popeil Pocket PC. Maybe it’s not just me?
I just asasumed it was my slow ass computer. Perhaps not.
I have a cable modem and it’s still taking forever for pages to load, especially around lunchtime. I’ve taken to closing my eyes and meditating while I wait for it to connect.