Disclaimer: Not associated in any way with the company, but I was recently diagnosed with a mild form of Central Sleep Apnea and I refuse to use a CPAP.
I found the sleep study hideous. It was the worst sleep I’d had in quite a long time, and I even took a Lunesta for the study, which normally puts me right out.
The tech woke me up to rearrange the wires on my legs. Then she woke me up to tell me not to sleep on my stomach, to which I called bullshit, because they should be able to factor that in, right, no matter how you sleep?
After that, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I tossed and turned, tried to read for a bit, and at one point attempted to leave, pointing out there was no way to do a sleep study if I couldn’t sleep, now was there? She mumbled something about talking to her supervisor and how insurance wouldn’t pay if I left, to which I pointed out again they wouldn’t pay if I couldn’t sleep. She walked out to [air quotes] call her supervisor [/end air quotes] and said I really needed to stay. I think I managed to get two hours of sleep that night wearing a CPAP and that’s when I decided no way, no how.
I don’t know where I stumbled across this, but based on their crowd funding, it’s something people are hugely excited about. For those of you who wear a CPAP, is this something you would consider?