Is this a good time to become a patent agent? (plus other patent agent questions)

I’m considering taking the patent bar, but I’d like to do a bit more research before I dive in. More specifically, I’d like to know what the job market is like for patent agents at this time? It doesn’t seem like a profession that would be so susceptible to the current economic climate, but, then again, what industry hasn’t been affected by this recession?

I just graduated with a degree in electrical engineering, and I’ve considered applying to law school to study patent law, but I would rather pursue this route first before I commit to law school. One possibly prohibitive factor: I had a rather lackluster GPA in college. I had a few problem semesters several years ago, was asked to take leave from the university, and returned to finish my final year strong (like straight-A’s-for-all-but-one-class strong). Will my 2.8 GPA significantly hamper my attempts at getting hired as a patent agent? I’m confident that I can portray in an interview that, despite past academic indiscretions, I’ve come out of it a mature, conscientious, hard-working adult.

Last, what is the best way to prepare for the patent bar? It sounds like I need to get myself a copy of the MPEP and look through that. A couple of sites recommend 150-200 hours of studying for the patent bar before taking it. Will it be sufficient to study the MPEP myself for a couple months, take some past exams (assuming they are made available for studying purposes), and then take the test? Should I instead take a review course (most of which appear to be pretty expensive)?

I’m gonna give this one bump. Are there no patent agents/attorneys on the SDMB?

I became a patent agent two years ago. I did it mainly for fun, so I don’t know what the job market is like.

I found the best way to prepare for the patent bar was Jim Longacre’s course at It’s expensive and slightly dated, but the material hasn’t really changed much.

If you do buy the course, you can ask Jim questions on the job market and getting hired. He’s a great guy–I wrote him two questions once, and he was very helpful.

Good luck!

I was considering becoming a patent examiner or agent a few years ago, even applied for a job at the USPTO and interviewed there, but in the end it wasn’t the right match for me. I also took a review course and I would highly recommend going that route in your studies…if not an in person course then at least a good online or DVD-based course. Good luck!

Edited to add that I just noticed that this was a zombie thread, but I’ll leave what I wrote in case it helps anyone else in the future.