Is this a semi-legit MLM job opportunity?

I’ve been offered a job with a company called Access Marketing Solutions, one of whose clients is Home Depot.

My job would entail going to a different Home Depot store each day for 7 hours and making face-to-face contact with customers to try to generate leads for a kitchen design/remodel service.

For the first three weeks of training, I will get paid about 290 dollars per week (it’s a six-day work week with alternate Sundays and Tuesdays off.) I’m expected to generate 15-20 leads per week.

It seems that the main goal is to get through the process, learn how to train others, then manage others, then manage my own office. No benefits and the “salary” is devastatingly low. But my boss claims that one of the sales guys makes 700 dollars a week. That, I could live with…but still…6 days a week? No insurance benefits? Also, I won’t get my first paycheck for three weeks after my start date.

Obviously, for now, I’ll take it because I’m in desperate need (as you may know) but a lot of things about the whole deal strike me as odd. For now, I couldn’t care less, as long as I know that there’s a pay check at the end of those three weeks. I can do anything for three weeks, right? Anyway, sorry this is so long and boring. Thank you for your opinions.

Plan on being dropped like a hot rock if you do not meet sales quota.

You would do better working for Home Depot at the prevailing rate.

My wife and I were approached by someone doing your job in our local Home Depot. I was not happy about this encounter at all. I was there to pick up some small plumbing part, and suddenly I was slammed with what is essentially a cold call for home remodeling in the plumbing aisle. I’m pretty much immune to cold calls and while I was trying to be cordial, I was about this far from telling this motherfucker to kiss my ass. Fucker just would not let up, and it pissed me off - I just wanted a small plumbing part.

But I get it, the guy was just hustling for a job. Here is my advice to you if you take this job. First, do not push too hard. If someone is not interested, then just accept it and let them go on their way. Second, take the time to really know about the services that you actually are selling. If you are selling bathroom remodeling, you better know about plumbing, fixtures, exhaust fans, shower heads, sinks, etc. You don’t need to be the expert, but you should know enough about the basics. That include carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical.

If you know that stuff, you can probably figure out how to sell it. If you do not, then it’s going to be harder, but not impossible. It will entail figuring out what is important to the customer - one source for everything, an understanding of the job (this is where getting to know the tradesmen will help a big deal), the financing options, the scheduling, the unforeseen site conditions that might present problems, and of course, not pushing too hard on those clearly not interested. In other words, if you take the time to learn about what you are selling, and the process of actually installing it, you can do OK. If you don’t know the product, then I suspect it won’t work out for you.

Edit: If you are selling kitchen remodels, spend a few days looking at cabinet and counter tops. Everything. Get cabinet catalogs and learn about every finish, configuration, and option. Same with appliances, sinks, and faucets.

Too late for the edit:

And not just the stuff Home Depot carries - learn about everything available in the price ranges you are selling, even if other supply shops sell it. Customers know what they want. Read the trade journals and home renovation magazines.

Tell them that you’ll do it…for a higher guaranteed minimum. You get a bonus if you make your quota, and additional bonus for goals above the quota. It seems like they are getting you to work as a salesperson for almost no money at all. Any time when one of your main goals is to train other to do the same job, that’s a red flag. Serious, serious red flag.

Personally, I think that you’d be better off if you were out jobhunting full time, or even picking up soda cans to recycle.

One more thing. If you do actually sell some kitchen remodels, take the time to visit the job site when it is in various stages. This alone will teach you things about the job that you probably never realized. It is absolutely cool to watch a building or room be gutted out and rebuilt.

15-20 leads per week sounds a ridiculously high expectation. And that claim that someone makes $700 a week? it’s probably one guy who did that one week and now they use that story to hire. Ask for average earnings for 10 other employees in your region. I’m willing to bet they won’t tell you.

Jeez, even at $700 a week, you’re making under $17 an hour. And you’re not earning commission per lead - you’re getting a “bonus” (read liveable wage) for being on target. So generating 14 hard earned leads in a week will get you nada, and profitable kitchen jobs for the company.

It’s a pretty high bar for a trainee without building (and maybe sales?) experience. And three weeks of work (and it’s a weekly wage) before you’re paid? WTF is that? Remember Hazle, it will be costing you to be at work.

Of course the boss will tell you about the $700-a-week guy, but he won’t tell you about the 20 who didn’t make it, or how long it took for him to reach this (not very impressive) stage.

Reputable companies pay their sales team a decent retainer with an enticing commission structure; anything else smacks of 'churn 'em and burn ‘em’. No bona fide business tells you ‘where you’re gonna go from here’ before you’ve even gotten anywhere.

Honestly, I understand that you’re desperate - and that’s exactly why you shouldn’t take this job. Desperate people cannot sell: desperate people who’ve worked for 3 weeks without pay absolutely cannot sell.

For an ultimate take-home of $17 an hour (as per Mr Successful) honestly, I think you’re better off saving yourself the stress and finding something else. Just give yourself those 3 weeks that you weren’t going to be paid anyway, and work harder at finding a better job.

Hard selling, face-to-face is an ugly way to financially die.

You are to go into Home Depots and try to convince shoppers to have Home Depot remodel their kitchens? I can’t think of a better way to convince shoppers to go elsewhere.

The job sounds barbaric.

***You are getting minimum wage. ***
The cost of a kitchen remodel is astronomical, or, at least with this company, it will be. And, on top of that, you need 15-20 leads to perhaps get $700 per week? That eats. For 15-20 leads a week, you should get a thousand, minimum. Just think about it. No company will do any kind of remodel work for less than $2000. So, you generate 40K minimum business, and get less than 2 percent commission? That is stupid. If you are going into sales, you should get more. Any other sales job would be better. And, don’t kid yourself, it is a sales job. Hire on at another remodeling company as a straight sales agent.

And, you are expected to hire others to do the same???

Drop these punks like a live grenade. They are shafting you big time.

If you go into security or fastfood, the OT will generally equal out to the same kind of money you are being promised, and less pressure.

Best wishes, and give these guys the finger as soon as possible.

I don’t think a “lead” is what you think it is.

Sounds to me like the job is merely to get people to write down their contact information, then someone else follows up and the customer may or may not purchase services. In that case, at best 15-20 leads yields only 1 or 2 actual customers, if that.

This whole arrangement sounds like a scam.
You’re getting paid virtually nothing, but they promise that you will magically be put in a senior management position (“managing others, then my own office”)–all before they have given you even a single paycheck?

This all just screams “Scam” to me. It is probably legal-just barely. But it’s still a scam.

I wouldn’t even count on that paycheck after the first 3 weeks. My guess is that they routinely fire everybody after 2 weeks , and start with a new batch of suckers.
Then your paycheck gets “lost in the mail”.
Try asking to see an example of a real remodel job they are currently working on. Act enthusiastic, tell them how eager you are to learn, etc, and you just know that by seeing a real job in progress, you’ll be a better salesman.Just ask for the address. They probably wont tell you…which is a huge red flag.

This smells strongly of scam.

It would be miraculous if most people got even half of what they’re promising, before being fired.

As a side benefit, customers would view you as even more loathsome than a telemarketer.

I know I sound like a broken record for always recommending this, but really: check into delivering papers. You can do it in the morning, earn a decent getting-by (at least) income, and spend the rest of your day looking for more lucrative look.
I clear more than $17/hr doing papers, and I’m done by 6:30a every day.
Good luck, whatever you do.

The job sounds like a hellish barely legal scam. I would never do it.

My husband’s family business is in heating and air. They never have enough HVAC workers to fill their need in the summer and winter. If you want decent money and aren’t afraid of working hard and getting your hands dirty, consider a skilled trade such as plumbing, welding, HVAC, or mechanic. Some companies offer paid, on-the-job apprenticeships.

It’s a MLM, it’s a scam Cite, pdf also this (Warning, long). Also 97 % of people who join MLMs quit after a short period Cite.

Due to my job I visit Home Depot several times a week. I get approached by these assholes all the time, “HI HOMEOWNER!”. They never let up. Hey pal, i just need a part, let it go. Ugh… If I could get what I needed at Lowes I would never enter Home Depot again due to these jerks alone.

That sounds horrible, horrible, horrible. You’d be better off getting an outgoing telemarketing job where you can’t see the irritation and dislike in the eyes of the people you’re dealing with, day after day. Or a job harvesting night soil.

But I guess for 3 weeks you could do it. My husband did a door-to-door USPirg job begging for money for good causes, but he quit after a week. Face to face unsolicited sales takes a toll fast.