Ahhh, middle age. Of course I’ve noticed a few changes along the way, but most (e.g., the onset of near range far-sightedness within a couple of weeks of my 40th birthday, and a few years later noticing that driving at night seems “darker”) I’ve had ample warning of, buckoes (can’t end a sentence with a preposition now, can we?*).
Now I’m 51, and I’ve noticed a new phenomenon within the last few months. While I didn’t even need to shave until I was 22, I was surprised to note on a vacation ten years ago that I could grow a full beard in a week. Several months ago, a recurring shaving cut on my chin caused me to give it a rest and it was unexpected when I found that the goatee I sprouted was in need of trimming in three days.
Of late I’ve noticed that my clean shaven appearance, generally administered to at about 6:50 AM, could really use an update by 2:00 or so. When I leave work, I am now looking like Chester Gould in his heyday. If I’m going out in the evening, I really need to shave again.
Now, of course, I’ve noticed that the nice young women who cut my hair have, in recent years, generally begun offering to do the ears and eyebrows as well, something that didn’t happen just 5 or 6 years ago (and, as well, the boobs in my face have all but disappeared - oh well).
So, is this a known complement of aging? Will I have to shave 3 times a day when I’m 72?