Is this hate speech?

Get a grip, Peter. woowoo doesn’t mean vagina. Give me a legitimate cite that it does.

What? No it doesn’t. Or at least I have never, ever heard it used that way.

I’ve always understood it to be an onomatopoeia of the theremin music used in low-budget sci-fi and horror films. Hence its use to mock beliefs that many regard as science fiction.

See definition 4

Yeah, I don’t think that term has ever been used in that sense at the SDMB. It certainly is not the intended usage when somebody refers to ESP as “woowoo.” See definitions #2 and #3

see post 5.

The one where he admitted to having misunderstood what people meant by it?

An unassailable reference. It should also be noted, however, that “Peter Morris” is common slang for a sex act so foul, it makes a Cleveland Steamer look like a Five Knuckle Shuffle.

Or at least it will be, if you’ll allow me a moment to create the entry… catch my drift?

Funniest thread ever. Hats off, guys.

If we’re accepting urban dictionary as a source for meanings of term, then it very well could have been a group compliment! As in definition 5.

So which is it?

And your point is…? :dubious:

From the Urban Dictionary as well:

A pretty exhaustive list. But no woo-woo.

I’m sure I’ve heard woowoo as a vagina reference somewhere. But that’s completely beside the point, since terms can have multiple meanings. When it’s used in reference to new-age crap and ghosts and that stuff, it’s simply a different meaning.

Definition 4 has more votes down than votes up. That makes it an anti-cite.

Ah man, this thread is killing me. I can’t even tell who’s joking or serious anymore.

You’re probably thinking of Christina Aguilera’s new song.

And even that is linguistically superior to PM’s argument.

Especially since definition #5 on his own Urban Dictionary cite says that woowoo is “A person who looks good and does something spectacular.”

Really, PM? You’re saying that you object to being called “A person who looks good and does something spectacular”?

And it turns out that if you click the ad you go to a page from which you can buy woowoo mugs, t-shirts, hats and bumper stickers! We should make them rich!

Just for the record I would have no problem kissing all of Christina Aguilera’s woo hoo.

You do see the smilie there, indicating he was making a joke?

And again I ask you-what word would you prefer we use for those who reject science and embrace nonsense?