Is this the fashion trend that will not die?

I’m predicting that the next big clothing fad amongst the “Young&Hip” will be the return of codpieces.

Oh, and START? Just because it has been fashionable for a decade doesn’t mean that it isn’t stupid!

After much thought and consideration, I have carefully compiled, for your convenience, a definitive list of fashion trends that will not die.

[li]Wearing Clothing*[/li][/ol]
As the above list is definitive, all other trends,styles,fads, regional preferences, and other subgroups must therefore be considered as having a limited shelf life, though what that shelf life is, will vary. It is largely believed by this self-proclaimed expert that any sufficiently widespread trend will have a shelf life falling somewhere between one month and 300 years.

  • Yes, I know that some people don’t wear clothes at, say, a nudist camp. Those who never leave that camp, if there are any, should be considered as anomolous and an exception to the above definitive list.

I was in high school in the 80s and I remember drooling whenever I saw a cute guy in tight white jeans, circa 1988.

As Merkwurdigliebe said, there is a resurgence of 1980s fashions coming back. The acid wash and the white jeans need to stay in the 80s.

I think the baggy jean thing needs to die. I saw two guys walking along the road wearing baggy jeans and grabbing their “junk” like they had to pee. I don’t know if this was to hold up their jeans or if they really like to fondle themselves, but either way, it looked really silly.

With American kids (and adults) getting more & more obese each year, perhaps this baggy jean fashion trend will never die. Kids may look stupid wearing pants that look like they were stitched together from a painter’s tarp, but it least they hide a multitude of sins.

Could you imagine what this generation would look like wearing jeans that were popular in the 80’s? :eek: The likelihood of seeing a return of the tight designer jeans fad is at least a few belt notches below seeing the return of parachute pants and leg warmers.

I actually think, at least from the girls I’ve seen around lately, that styles of jeans are changing to be tighter, smaller (especially the pant-leg size, some of the girls look like they have toothpicks for legs!) and more low-slung around the hips, revealing more. YMMV.

Associate AARP member here. Hey! You kids get off my lawn! Sorry.

Doesn’t anyone remember what it was like to be a kid? Did you dress to please your parents and other grownups? If you answer yes I can safely assume you didn’t hang out with the cool kids, you tool :wink: I didn’t dress to please my parents but I was in high school in the late seventies. My hair was too long and my jeans were too tight. Would I look like an idiot if I was a teenager now and dressed that way? Hell yeah. I try not to get worked up over how my stepson dresses, all black, baggy, baggy, baggy and with a shaved head. He gave away his mom at our wedding it was a bit of a task to explain that Dickies were not dress slacks. TheLadyLion got him to grow his hair out a bit but his head has been shaved ever since.

The one thing I do rant about is wearing designer labels as a fashion statement in themselves. If you are a “Tommy Boy” you are a complete tool and you paid for the privilege.

I’ve said for years now that if the teenaged boys ever figure out how hot they’d look with some well fitting demin curved across their backsides, the rate of teen pregnancies would be astronomical. (All the teen girls, watching the backsides of teen boys in their tight jeans, makes 'em wanna…well, you get the picture.)

Personally, if I wanted to see your underwear that badly (which I don’t), then I’d volunteer to do your laundry (which I won’t), so PULL UP YOUR PANTS! Besides, there’s not much more funny looking than seeing some guy literally walking out of his pants, with the crotch of the pants down around his knees (or lower).


Hmmm, interesting. (Let’s look @ the numbers}

Teen Birth Rates (Per 1,000 Females) 15-19 Year Olds
1980: 53.0
1990: 59.9
1995: 56.8*
2000: 47.7
2002: 43.0

  • 1995 = Tommy Hilfiger starts making mega bucks after changing product line focus from preppie & striped to baggie & hoodie

In another thread recently, someone pointed out that as fashions for girls became skimpier and more revealing, fashions for boys became baggier and less revealing. No idea what this means.

I also wonder if some categories of fashion trends have longer cycles than others. E.g., tight pants on men were popular at least as far back as Elvis Presley’s Hollywood era, and I don’t remember looser pants supplanting them until the early 1980s. FWIW, I can remember a colleague of mine griping about his son wearing ridiculously baggy pants, and this around 1992 at the latest. So yeah, it’s been around an awful long time. Maybe it just takes until kids start thinking that a style looks like one their parents would wear?

“Pull your pants up, turn your hat around, and get a job”
– P.J. O’Rourke

I think it means we have discovered the Law of Conservation of Fabric in Fashion. (I also like the “Law of Conservation of Cloth in Clothes” for the illiteration.)

Okay. Stop shopping at Abercrombie and start shopping at Macy’s.

I’ve never been to an Abercrombie. It’s not actually that much of a problem for me because I love t-shirts (wearing one now that says, “How many licks does it take?” and has an orange Tootsie pop on it). I was thinking of Target (I shopped there for maternity clothes a couple years ago, haven’t been back) when I made that post.

Larry Blackmon will be pleased.

Is this really still alive? Surely not to the extent that it was 10 years ago. I never see kids wearing baggy pants anymore. Do they still make JNCO jeans?

As embarassing as it is to admit, the whole baggy pants thing really kicked off for my generation with MC Hammer. I grew up in what you would call a not-so-wealthy area and we couldn’t really afford to buy stylish pants that were designed to be big and baggy so it really started off with us using little tricks to make our pants look baggy. One of the popular things to do at first was to get pants that were way too long, so they bunched up around your legs. Another thing we did, after learning that going without a belt just meant that someone was going to pull your pants down, was to hang our pants really low and then use a shoestring as a belt. These could be tied much tighter and ensured immunity from “pantsing” (or “shanking” as we called it but that seems to be the term for a prison-stabbing in every part of the country except the town I grew up in.)

When I was in high school (1995), we wore them BIG. By this time we all had jobs and could plunk down our own cash for a pair of the aforementioned JNCOs, at 60 bucks a pop. Most of my pants had 26" openings at that bottom of the legs (these were called “Twin Cannons”) and 40" waists (I was maybe a 28 waist at the time.) Several of my friends, similar in size to me, wore 50" waists.

As early as the summer of '97 though the pants seemed to start tightening up and in 2001 a friend of mine wore a pair of his old JNCOs and was laughing and joking all night about how old school they were.

I still wear “loose/baggy” jeans but absolutely nothing that even compares to the clown pants we wore from Hammer ('91ish) until the mid/late '90s.

I remember it as early as 1991. Worn around the hips, with boxers showing.

I suppose it depends on where you live and what kids you see. I don’t doubt in some places it is out of style because I have read about it but from my own personal observations a lot of people still like to sag. If you went with me to my local mall I could probably point out enough people sagging their pants to convince you that it is still around in a big enough way. I’m thinking it won’t go away for a long time but will linger just like the kids who go GOTHIC. I don’t see GOTH kids a lot but I see them enough to know that Goth is still a fashion choice that if someone chose it that person could easily find a group of friends that also dressed the same way. I suspect it will be that way with oversized clothing, Like all fashion trends it will have it’s day then be considered out of style and then come back in style, on and on.

Personally, I like the baggy pants trend. Not to an extreme, of course, your pants shouldn’t be down around your knees. But moderately baggy? Hell yeah.

So speaketh the girl who just bought a pair of JNCO pants off of eBay and was extremely happy.

Loose is all right. Baggier than baggy is terrible. Many people walk past the window of the office that I work in, and I see all kinds of clothing styles. Once I saw a guy wearing baggy jeans that were right above his knees. He had them belted there. It was odd, but sensible, I suppose. It would be good if the guys who looked good in tight jeans could be bothered to wear them once in a while, and the girls wore their jeans not quite so tight. Maybe they could trade pants?

You’re way too young to have any real perspective on this; a 10-year-old fad is nothing. Bell-bottoms began to be popular in the mid-60s, and lasted in certain areas until the early 80s. At the time, I remember telling my mother that no one will **ever **again wear straight pants, not to mention short hair. She just smiled and said “Just you wait.”

The pendulum sometimes moves very slowly, but it does move. I can guarantee that **your **kids will not wear baggy pants. But **their **kids might wear them as part of a retro look. “Just you wait.”

Yesterday Mr. Armadillo and I took the ArmadilloPup out for a walk, early in the morning, just as the local middle school was opening for the day. It’s along our normal route. As we walked around the side of the building, there was a little cluster of rebel type kids. We could tell, because they were all wearing black and two were smoking furtively* :wink: . One of them had his pants situated so that the waistband was belted firmly below the bottom edge of his butt. I giggled for about the next ten minutes. I know, I shouldn’t laugh at kids wearing dumb things, I wore a lot of dumb things myself, so I made sure to contain the snickers until we were well past.
Now, I wear jeans baggy myself, to sit on my hips, and don’t find it amusing if the top couple inches of a guy’s boxers show–but when your entire ass is hanging out, you just look like an idiot. Plus, what if your bits and pieces fall out of the window in your boxers? Or do you wear an extra pair of tighty-whities underneath to prevent such catastrophes?
But, in response to your comment, nearly all the kids were dressed in a mid range from super-prep to slightly grubby, the only kid I saw drastically sagging was the one poor misguided fool clinging on to a trend that seems to have blessedly passed. Granted, I live in Eugene which is mostly white, so I have zero perspective on the fashion trends of today’s urban youth.
*I say this with great affection as one who dressed all in black and smoked furtively behind the school a mere six years ago.