Is this the worst costume ever? Dressing as 9/11

Warning; the stupidity on display here will make your head hurt. Two students in the UK dressed up for a Halloween fancy dress as the North and South Towers being struck by the planes on 9/11. They won £150 (about $240) after being voted the best costume.

Other party-goers made their feelings clear to the establishment, but were told:

Jimmy Savile is a well-known now dead child abuser, for those unaware. Is there a stupider fathomable costume idea than this? Have you seen anything worse? Let us know.

Trayvon Martin (via blackface) and Robert Zimmerman.

They dressed up as some buildings. What’s the big deal?

Well, no. They dressed up as a couple buildings being hit and exploding in direct reference to a tragic event. They didn’t dress as a couple nondescript skyscrapers. From the article:

I’m not particularly outraged (though I think it’s tacky and stupid and wouldn’t want to be friends with them) but saying they just dressed as “some buildings” is disingenuous.

too soon?

I had a co-worker dress up as one of the towers being hit by a plane for Halloween…2001! Yes, he took a shitload of heat from the people at the party he attended. But I don’t think he gave a shit.

I think the biggest problem with the girls’ costumes is that they appear to have attempted a bit of sexiness with it-- a little too leggy for an act of terrorism.

It’s a nightclub costume contest. Which makes me think “provocative” and “mature audiences only”.

I had some friends do it in 2001 too. And then they ditched the costume and came back with doll parts in jars and declared themselves “abortion doctors.”

It was a party for a group of friends who are in to dark humor. No one was offended.

Here’s a great costume idea.

Those wacky Iranians!

My vote goes to this chick who dressed as a runner injured by the bombing at the Boston Marathon.

With 9/11 you could argue that there’s at least some distance. To the people who know folks who did it in 2001, were any of them in New York? I was going to add that I don’t think those young ladies would have won any contests there.

Nothing is ever too leggy :stuck_out_tongue:

Too leggy

arghhh! my eyes!!! nightmares!!! :mad:

If you think that’s bad, I regularly get these things in my apartment and they can scurry very quickly. I recently was cleaning, moved a rug and one of them darted out from under it and under my couch. Never found him. He’s still out there … somewhere.

Back in 2002 or 2003 or thereabouts, I had a group of 3 friends dress up in similar costumes. One of them dressed up as a plane, and the other 2 as skyscrapers. The one dressed up as a plane would run head first into the others and the 2 skyscrapers would fall down.

Tasteless? Yes.
Probably not the best idea? Yes.
Pretty offensive? Yes.
Funny as hell? You bet.

Sometimes people just need to stop trying to make certain subjects taboo and lighten up. There’s much more important things to worry about in the world than someones Halloween costume.

There’s “more important things to worry about” than most things. But tacky, pathetic people are still tacky and pathetic no matter how they compare again global hunger or nuclear war.

^ : puts his 1972-era Uganduayan rugby player costume back on the shelf :

But they need to be standing straight up, with some of their legs in flames, and burning flied embedded in them. Then add some ants leaping to their death.

Aside from whatever else is wrong about this, those are terrible costumes, in the sense that they don’t look like what they’re supposed to represent. If they weren’t helpfully labeled “north tower” and “south tower” I’d think those two girls were doing a weird take-off of Oscar the Grouch, because it looks like they’re wrapped in a garbage can.

Now that’s a Halloween costume.