Is this the wrongest thing ever?


But then again, it’s not the first time the event has been used as a motif purely as entertainment - I’m not talking about movies that attempt to depict the whole thing in some way or other, I’m thinking of stuff like the short that accompanies Ice Age 2 - the Titanic appears in that purely as a slapstick device.

There are no Titanic passengers or crew left alive.

This is one of the reasons some people call us the Great Satan.


Wasn’t there a cafeteria at CU named after Packer? Back before we became oh, so very pee-see.

There’s one of these at the Tennessee State Fair, right now.

My sister-in-law went on a cruise last year, and on formal night her family posed for a portrait - in front of a backdrop of the Titanic Grand Staircase. I thought that was a little odd.

After the movie came out, the cruise industry saw a huge boom. People know, or at least think, that cruise travel is much safer now, but the themes of romance and luxury really drove people to try a cruise.

You mean it’s gone? Damn. There was a mural depicting the um, event. Never seemed to put anyone off their food, though. I haven’t been back in 20 years. <sigh>

The slide itself looks like a lot of fun–but the naming of it… yikes.


I’d forgotten who Alfred Packer was, so I did a Wiki of him by just typing “packer” into the search. That brings up a disambiguated list of possible entries for “packer.” Under the People disambiguation, it differentiates Alfred by referring to him as the gastronome.

I find this highly amusing.

There was a movie? :wink:

I’m ashamed to say that I can think up worse, but will not share here lest someone commercialize my sickness.

I saw one of those at a local carnival some time back - had to be close to 10 years ago. The thing looked pretty tired at that time. I don’t recall making any connection to the film. I wonder if this particular inflatable pre-dated the '97 movie (and I’m not sure whether that bears upon its (in)appropriateness).

I think in common use the name “Titanic” might be nearly synonymous with any large sinking ocean liner. Maybe I’m twisted or just not sufficiently sympathetic to the victims of ocean liner disasters, but this doesn’t really bother me all that much. Well, the marketing on that site of “Relive the glamor of the Titanic’s maiden voyage” seems a tad off. But as I perceived it, it was just a (pretty lame looking) big inflatable slide. The fact that it was shaped like a ship was pretty much irrelevant.

They generally have at least one, if not two(one in a smaller size for smaller kids) at the Mid-South Fair.


Not even in a spoiler box? I’d be among the shameless that would not only read the spoiler box but would most likely laugh until milk squirted out my nose.

If being cruel is wrong then I don’t want to be right. :wink:

Dangit! Looks like I’m scheduled for another ride on the Hell Bus.

I find the best friend one the wrongest. Climbing inside your pet and bouncing around, that’s just sick!
Would it be better if they renamed the Titanic one as “The Anonymous Cruise Ship that Sunk in the Harbor with No One On Board and No One was Hurt”?

It’s still around.

You mean call it “The Queen Elizabeth Experience”?
(Another vote to have ShibbOleth share those other ideas. Please.)

When I was in NYC last year, I visited the WTC site and there were tourists taking the typical big-smile “Look at me! I’m on vacation!” pictures.

A few examples.

Why whoosh? The remaing survivors passed away quite recently. But I suppose you knew that.