Is This When 'The Simpsons' Touched Bottom?

Yeah, the whole dreamquest for Homer’s soulmate thing was pretty bad. BUT, the show also contained one of my favorite bits:

Lisa tries to keep Homer from eating a poisoned eclair:
Lisa: “Dad! Don’t eat that! It’s poisoned!”

Homer: (shrugs) “Eh, I’ve had a good run.”

Lisa: (desperately) “Um…Er…It’s low-fat!”

Homer: (flinging the eclair away) “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…”
Whenever my wife tries to purchase low-fat ANYTHING, the kids and I always act out this scene
(By the way, the follow-up to this bit is pretty good, too: The flung eclair hits and explodes, destroying somebody’s chili booth. Chief Wiggum looks at the resulting disaster and says: “Boy! It’s sure lucky that that thing landed in this smoking crater!”)

That was actually the Homer becomes a food critic episode.

The chili one had some good stuff before Homer ate the pepper, but after it the ep was just stupid.

Less artsy, more fartsy!

I loved Saddlesore Galactica. The Chili one (“El Viaje de Nuestro Homer” IIRC) sucked but had its moments.

“There but for the grace of God goes Marge herself” - Helen Lovejoy

The beginning of the end was definitely “Homer vs. Dignity” aka the Prank Monkey episode aka Homer gets raped by a panda. There have been some good episodes since but that was an abomination.
Finally, some cracks appeared in the show’s hilarious facade.

“Oh thank God! He’s just a dummy!”

“Yeah but he sells tickets!”
Compare the Baldwin/Basinger episode (still pretty funny) to the classic episode where Burns hires a team of professional baseball players to be ringers in the big plant softball game. Pure hilarity.

Officer Eddie [suspiciously] “I heard someone was killed in New York City and they never figured out who did it”.
Steve Sax “Lots of people have been killed in New York”
Officer Lou “You don’t know when to shut up, do ya Saxy-boy?!”

And the McCartney episode was actually pretty funny for a Lisa-centric episode.

Actually, some stuff on “King of Queens” isn’t half bad. I’d definitely rather watch the best KofQ episode than the worst Simpsons.

The peak of The Simpsons was definitely the Hank Scorpio episode. After that one, they couldn’t possibly live up to it anymore.

“When you get home… there’s gonna be another story on your house!”


You’re right, of course. However, we do use the “Lay off the insanity peppers!” line from time to time.

Just had to jump in to add another favorite quote from Lisa the Vegetarian (definitely not the worst episode ever)…

Homer: Look kids! I just got my party invitiations back from the printers.

Lisa: [Reading the invitation.] “Come to Homer’s BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB.”

Bart: What’s that extra B for?

Homer: It’s a typo.
For some reason, that kills me.

Yeah, the BBBQ/BYOBB thing is my favorite part. “I thumb through your magazines” being my second favorit part. But the moment that keeps getting funnier every time I see it is:

Lisa: You don’t even eat cheese? But you must think I’m a horrible monster.

Apu: Indeed I do. But I learned long ago not to impose my beliefs on other people…

The fact that Apu thinks Lisa is a horrible monster and isn’t afraid to tell her so, and indeed is able to maintain a pleasant conversation with her is hilarious.

Maybe it’s just my weird sense of humor, but I loved the chili episode, weird mystic quest trip included. Although the best part is at the end:

“In your FACE, space coyote!!!”

I admit I did like the 360degree Marge bit. But the third half was blah, including the hotpants.

That’s right: the THIRD HALF. Come on, fight me!

Me, too. I’m actually suprised that so few people like it, I didn’t know it had that reputation.

I like the whole thing, basically, especially Homer’s chili-induced quest. My favorite line:

Bart: Is that dad?
Lisa: Either that or Batman really let himself go.

According to the 2nd season DVD commentary, the chili episode was actually written to be part of the 2nd season, but it was thought too “out there”, so it was pushed off until later. So really, I don’t see how it could be when the Simpsons touched bottom.

IMHO, the Simpsons has been getting better the last few seasons, so if it did touch bottom a few years ago, it was more of a bounce then a splat.

What’s all this, then? A thread where people say that “The Simpsons” isn’t as good as it once was? Wow! What are the odds?

nineiron, wait until the new season starts. We’ll get a thread like that every week. :rolleyes:

FLANDERS: “Want to try some of our five-alarm chili?”

HOMER [tries it]: “One, two… hey, what’s the big idea?!”

FLANDERS [penitently]: “Oh, I admit it! It’s only two-alarm, two-and-a-half, tops. I just wanted to be a big man in front of the kids.”

ROD (or maybe TODD): “Are you going to jail Daddy?”

FLANDERS: “Yes, son.”