Is this worth calling the doctor about?

I have this knot in my back, it’s under my left chicken wing. Everytime I get a massage, they comment on how bad it is. Then this weekend it was bothering me all on it’s own, and I had my fiance massage it for me.

Now it hurts like a mofo, and it’s spasming and stuff. I’m thinking that’s just because we messed with it too long.

I hate to call the doctor over something she can’t do anything about, and really, how likely is it that this is serious enough to warrant calling? I’d like some muscle relaxers, but I think that’s about all she could do for me.

Also, what causes knots under the chicken wing like this? My fiance said it was as hard as a rock when he first started massaging it. Then he got it mostly worked out. I’m wondering if we should leave it alone or work through the pain with another massage session tonight.

Any advice?

Get it checked, it could come from a variety of things I don’t want to scare you with. Nothing deadly, but all of it belongs under “the sooner you find the cause, the easiest it is to treat.”

Do you sit in a bad position or do a lot of repetitive movements? Think anything from pulling a lever at work to always playing couples tennis on the same side.


Possible tumor.

I do about 700 reps on my Abslide every week. That’s repetitive and involves the back.

I don’t think it’s a tumor, I mean, would you be able to massage a tumor and make it smooth out?

Thanks for helping me go poop though. :smiley:

Chiropractic and other bodywork is usually quite good for muscle spasms like this. If you can find a low-impact practitioner who is a true healer and not some huckster trying to get you in for weekly sessions for the rest of your natural life. There are, fortunately, people out there who are healers, but you have to look closely sometimes.

Don’t take muscle relaxers.


It’s not a tumah!

A good massage therapist might know what it is. My brother does that work and he seems pretty knowledgeable about muscle stuff.

If it still hurts this much tomorrow, I’m calling the doc. I think we screwed it up royally by doing the home massage.

what the hell’s a chicken wing?

Let us know what happens. I had something similar on my left arm. It was just a knot of some sort and my husband rubbed it for quite a while, and it just made it worse. Turns out it was a fatty tumor - completely benign, not worth removing because it wasn’t visible, plus they sort of run in my family (apparently we’re somewhat lumpy). But it still made me nervous, and my co-pay was definitely worth the amount of relief I felt.

It ain’t no thang.

Jus’ a leetle joke.

I think it’s just behind the pit.

My general sentiment is to always err on the side of caution and go to the doc…you never know!

It could be hardened fascia, the stuff that covers the muscle. Massage can help soften the fascia again and make it more flexible but it hurts like heck afterwards.

But yeah, you should probably see a doctor.