This has been going on for several days; I’ve investigated my left nostril for pimples, ingrown hairs, big hairs, and even tried to trim the hair. NOTHING is stopping it from itching. :rolleyes: I am frustrated! Has anyone else experienced anything like this? RRRGGHHH!!
Nasal polyps
Probably not; it’s right at the outlet.
maybe it’s just irritated from all the investigations? do something else for awhile and let it calm down.
go bake a cake
take up knitting, if you have to
It feels like a booger but it’snot.
Put some itchy cream stuff on it, maybe it is just a mosquito bite.
Sounds like you’ve got goblins.
I hate when that happens.
Neti pot?
A pair of pliers, clamp or even a vise will put an end to it and even better, a sharp knife:eek::eek:
I hate phantom boogers!
When you’re out with your honey and your nose is kind of runny
Some people thinks it’s funny
but it’s snot
In the nostril opening? I happen to have a polyp there, on the septum.
Update: It appears to be a temporary issue, because it’s a lot better today. Not completely gone, but much improved.
1/4" drill, med speed.
Aerosol sailed spray, from the drug store. If it’s something that needs to work it’s way out, keeping your sinus passages very slippery and wet will certainly encourage that. If it’s a mild irritant the saline can only help.
Good Luck!
NM, should read more carefully. Carry on.
Hmm. My Dremel user manual states that the drill is not to be used for home dental procedures. It didn’t say anything about nose work…
I hate this feeling. It amazes me how much even really flat boogers can restrict air flow.