It feels like Terry McAuliffe has run for governor every year for the past 30 years

I swear, Virginia is the only state that has a gubernatorial election every year, and Terry McAuliffe is on the ballot every single time. I may not be the brightest man in the world, and I may be pig-ignorant of Virgina politics, but doesn’t that state have any other Democratic politicians who are constitutionally eligible to be governor?

Is he gonna win?! Is he gonna lose?! Doesn’t matter, he’ll run again in six months!

IIRC, he’s run twice before, losing the nomination in '09, and becoming governor in '13.

I voted for him grudgingly in '13 but was very pleasantly surprised and he turned out to be a fantastic governor. I’ve already voted for him for this election, enthusiastically this time.

Oh I’m sure he’s a fine enough governor. But it does feel like this dude is just constantly in the news for his gubernatorial campaigns. Confirmation bias and all that…

Virginia has a gubernatorial election every four years, just like most states. You probably hear about it more often than other states because it’s one of only five states that elect their governors in odd-numbered years when there isn’t a lot of other action going on, and it’s probably the most electorally competitive one, but it isn’t actually having elections more often.

Interesting bit of what I hope is merely trivia and not some deep connection: For the last several decades, Virginia had a habit of voting in a governor from the opposite party that won the most recent presidential election the year before. The streak was only broken once in recent history in '13.

Virginia governors also cannot serve consecutive terms. So if you want the job again, you have to go find something else to do for four years.

If voters see things his way, McAuliffe would be only the third governor of the Commonwealth since 1830 to be reelected.

“Virginia governors also cannot serve consecutive terms. So if you want the job again, you have to go find something else to do for four years.”

That used to be the case with Georgia governors. The last governor who was unable to run for a consecutive term decided to aim higher and seek the presidency: Jimmy Carter.

When not running for governor, he is often in the entourage of Democratic presidents. He is a prolific fund-raiser for the party’s national candidates. That keeps his name in the newspapers.

McAuliffe, not Carter, I’m sure you mean…?