No American above the age of 30 can say they’ve never had to choose the lesser of two evils in an election. We do the best we can and we keep moving forward. But when I consider this year’s Virginia Gubernatorial choices I am struck cold with terror. I am not exaggerating; I actually feel a cold tightness in my chest when I consider the possibility of Ken Cuccinelli gaining even more power in the Commonwealth. Or rather, at the realization that we’ve come so far down the slope that he was not only able to get elected as Attorney General, but has a very real shot at winning this one too.
Cuccinelli wants to make it harder to obtain a divorce in Virginia, and make anyone who is divorced ineligible to re-marry. Hey Cootch! Have you ever read any Victorian fiction? There’s a reason it’s so rife with spouses sneakily poisoning each other. We made divorce easier to prevent that. He spent most of his first year in office attacking climate scientists. He even tried to re-interpret the laws to attack abortion providers as criminals.
McAuliffe is not the sterling alternative I might hope for. Both sides have been startlingly dishonest even by American standards. It’s an indictment on all of us that anyone at all can get elected by these methods. McAuliffe is far from the intellectual man of character and integrity that I could hope for; but please, God let his 47% be enough to keep Ken Cuccinelli as far down the ladder of power as we can hold him.