It sucks mucho ass to be a poor kid

This was a great post. I know the sentiment has been echoed in this thread a few times now, but this being the first time it came up, well, damn. It brought tears to my eyes. Good job, violacrane.

I beg your pardon? As someone who grew up with a mentally ill parent, I can tell you I was often embarressed and I’m not ashamed to say so. What teenager isn’t embarressed by their parent? What teenager wouldn’t find it excrutiatingly embarressing to have to explain to a friend staying over why their mom suddenly burst into tears and starting hitting things? It didn’t mean I loved her any less. But there’s no point pretending that’s not embarressing.

Hi. Buzzkill here. And I’m here today to talk to all the teenagers about How Much More Their Life Could Suck Than It Already Does. Ready Kids? Let’s Go!
You could be in the prime of your life. Have dozens of college scholarships waiting for you. Graduate at the top of your class. You come from a long line of really intelligent, decent hardworking people. And less than two years later be diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. Yeah, the disease with the dorky telethon. Woooo. Ain’t you the lucky one. Bet your friends are jealous.

Wish I had some horrible genetic life threatening disease that make me weaker and weaker in micro amounts until one day I eventually suffocate from my lungs failing. Instead, Mom and Dad bought me a new car. Shit.

You could be *That Guy. * START.

Wow, wouldn’t that Be Great! to lose all your friends because they get uncomfortable about your disease. At least you get a handicap spot for the rest of your life, which ain’t that long. Lucky you! Oooh, and let’s not forget the big fat disability checks that roll in every month too keep you livin’ in the style of desperate poverty! Yeah, BABY! Forget the Avalance, honey, you’re driving a Plymouth, you lucky bastard!
That could be you, START!
But its not.

You aren’t lucky enough to get that lot in life.


No tears?

No violin music playing the background?

Why not?

Oh, because it would suck?

Yeah, I know.

How do I know?

I know that guy.

That guy is my brother.

Excuse me

Who are my brothers.

Four of them.

  • Excuse me.

Were my brothers.*

Three are dead now.

The youngest is left. He is 44. Every other brother died at 44, 44 and 50, respectively. Yeah, that is lightyears away from your angst-filled teen years. His number is coming up next and don’t think he isn’t aware of it. He can’t breath. Sleeps alot. His mobility is getting more and more limited and a trifle cold to you and me could kill him.

What you lack are not Things. You want things. You don’t need things. You will learn the difference soon enough.

What you need is confidence in yourself.

The best way to get that is by doing two things: Never Stop Learning and Getting A Wide Variety Of Experience In Life As You Can.

You did the right thing by finding the SDMB and signing up. This place has an excellent sampling of humanity across the globe available 24/7 for your education and entertainment.

Yeah, it sucks mucho ass to be poor.

It sucks Mucho Grande Ass to have so much to offer and have your body decay and trap you inside it. And there is fuckall you can do about it.

Print out this thread. Put it away. In ten years you will wince at what you have written here.

When you learn your strengths and become comfortable with who you are, you will grow in confidence.

Shit, I started off so wonderfully strong and full of piss and sarcasm. And now I sound like June Cleaver. This is why I avoid the pit.

Ok Dopers you were pretty much right in everything all of you said about my house not being a big deal.
My friend’s first words were “You made it sound like you were living in a shack”, we had a chill time all day.
His 10 year old brother who tagged along seemed like he had an extremely good time because he actually didn’t want to go home, that made me feel really good.
That’s it but Thanks for letting me vent anyway.