Our small hosting company is looking to buy some antispam software for our mail server. I’ve only had experience with MailFrontier, which looks awesome from my end but has apparently bit the dust (bought out by SonicWall who wants us to buy an appliance to run it!)
We do not have Exchange, we have Ipswitch Imail (not the “Plus” versions with the antispam built in) on a Win2003 server.
What I really like to see is the ability for users to manage their own spam settings, with some loose rules at the top end. So far the best we’ve been able to do, for free, is to tag spam based on blacklists. I’m not digging it. Managing spam before it ties up our SMTP delivery is also a plus.
What do you use and what do you like?
I use a Barracuda 300. It does an amazing job and is virtually hands-free. Highly recommended.
A bump for those who were still at work when this thread was higher.
Does it need to run on Windows? Because Postfix with Spamassassin on a Unix-y server kicks tushy like no tomorrow.
I also use and recommend a Barracuda, plus I run spamassassin on my server itself, to provide a second line of defense(well I just never got around to removing it after adding the Barracuda). Spamassassin typically rejects/tags another ~2% of the total incoming emails so it serves a purpose.
I had thought of using a seperate linux/postfix/spamassassin/clamav system running on a 1-u server instead of the Barracuda, but I’m glad I went the way I did. There is a small learning curve for end-users if you are using individual mailboxes, but it is pretty easy. Besides, Barracudas are pretty much just that, a Linux box running a MTA(which I think might be Postfix) and a modified Spamassassin, I have no idea about the AV portion though.
If you must run a single windows box for everything, it is possible to run Spamassassin on a Windows box, but it requires some work, and a knowledge of perl would be very helpful.