I currently work in Ottawa, Ontario at a large hi-tech company. I have a feeling that this “economic downturn” is going to bite my ass soon enough, so i’m thinking about looking outside of Canada and the US for my next job. In particular someplace tropical (enough cold Canadian winters!), but not discounting the UK,Australia,etc… Anyone else pick up and move like this?
I myself haven’t done the move, but am interested in it (specifically the UK). I have heard though that if you have IT skills that you are almost guaranteed a permit to work overseas, but that is only second hand information. Sorry this isn’t too much help, but I want to make sure this gets seen as I am interested too. bump
Try Ireland, they’re giving out work permits like candy these days. (You can forget about the tropical weather though…)
The UK’s work permit requirements are quite a bit more stringent. I do know someone who has loads of IT experience but was denied a permit because he doesn’t have a bachelor’s degree, but you may as well give it a shot.
It shouldn’t be at all difficult to find international recruitment sites on the web.