So far as I can guess, these commercials have been around for more than a decade. They are still on, but the times have changes.
I heard one earlier that asked, I think, about 8 O’Clock. Well jeez. Our concern for our kids has to go a certain way, but are we really so lax in our parental abilities that we must be constant;y bombarded on the TV with questions on our children’s location?
Nevertheless, it does bring up a good point. After all, while my kid may be only going on 2 and I can just shout out, “ASLEEP!” at the offending TV, and I know wher I was at certain ages after darkness, where do your kids hang out, etc. at night?
Do you know? Does this make you think twice, or are you certain and can you maybe help me out for when my daughter is older?
So where is your kid at night?
Being a kid, I can answer this.
Usually, I am at home, here on the computer or watching TV or the like.
However, on Friday I was at Waldo Pizza, enjoying a free pizza with a friend before her six week trip to Honduras, along with her older sister and another friend (who works at Waldo Pizza, which is why our pizza was free). After we ate we drove around to a couple different parks and played on the swings, played catch, etc. No drugs or alcohol.
Tuesday was similar, I was with the same two friends (no sister this time). We went to the museum, but it was closed, so we played catch in the parking lot. We then went shopping, got ice cream, and listened to a guy playing guitar for about an hour. Then we ended up at one of the same parks from Friday, where we ran into a couple people we knew. They were high, but we were not.
So my parents had nothing to worry about. I had the cell phone, and my parents have known both of my friends for quite a long time.
Holy shit. I have gone and made myself an old person onthe internet. Mirror I’m really not that much older tah you are. It’s just a thing that you get when you have a family.
Holy shit. I have gone and made myself an old person onthe internet. Mirror I’m really not that much older tah you are. It’s just a thing that you get when you have a family.
My kids are still wiggling around in my testicles.
I used to say something similar to this whenever one of the ads would come on. It totally unhinged a friend of mine whenever I did this. (Naturally, I had to keep doing it then.)