All I can tell you is anecdotes(sp?) from raising my kids. My son (22 now) was alot like you. He had friends, a few, and didn’t really run around alot. I now know that in his teens he did try drugs, but didn’t care for them somehow, and didn’t ‘get’ into them.
My daughter (17 now) is a Totally different story. Again, I found this out After the fact. I was working a lot of overtime, going in at 3am till 3pm. Oh she was home when I left for work, with a friend or two over to spend the night. Well, turns out after I left for work she and her friends would go out ‘partying’. I would come in all tired out and usually nap when I first got home, plenty of time for her to sleep off the booze and/or drugs. She’d be a sweet little ol’ thing till I went to bed for the night, usually around 8:30 or 9pm. Time to start all over.
And…? Having very little trouble with the first one, I just assumed with the second. BIG mistake. As I got to know her friends better, and the parents, doubts started running through my mind. So I started asking questions. Big resistance. “You didn’t treat Bubba this way!” No I didn’t but then Bubba didn’t start alarm bells ringing. To make a long story short, I did what the campaigns say. Started bugging, asking questions, demanding to know her whereabouts, tried grounding her - hard to do working 12hr shifts with no SO to help out. She finally confessed to what all she was doing and had did. After a lot of emotional conflict/arguing. Oh, and calling the cops a couple of times to locate her.
Turns out YES! kids do think & realize you care when you bug 'em. And while yes they will lie, it gets harder and harder to do and keep your stories straight. The more you find out, the more you realize what the situation is, the better control you can take. And, yes again, control is a part of parenting. Why do you think you call your parents SENSIBLE? Since your parents KNEW where you were and KNEW what you were doing with whom, there was no need to grill. Not so with kids who get around drinking and drugs. So how does one find out? ASK QUESTIONS! BUG 'EM! DRILL 'EM TILL THE STORY COMES OUT STRAIGHT! And go from there.
This long story isn’t getting shorter.
My daughter is much better now, thank you for asking. We have much more communication now. I do believe her now when she says she no longer does drugs. Why? Because I believe she does tell me everything now. Why? 'Cause she doesn’t have time to do other than what she tells me, cause it seems she tells me everything! She does have an occasional drink (I know, 17) but SHE TELLS ME! Good thing? Yes. Because it is only occasional, and yes I believe she is being honest.
She tells me of her friends whose parents don’t seem to care, because … they don’t ASK QUESTIONS! She once thought I didn’t care. I did, but was just so busy :rolleyes:. And tired. And etc. etc.
Therefore I agree with the ads. ASK. WHO. WHERE. WHEN. WHAT. ETC. Remember this if you are ever a parent, please. Not all kids are lucky enough to have parents like yours.