It's a boy...

Michael Kleinow-Malone was born at 3:33 AM on Wednesday. He weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and he’s 18 1/2 inches long. He’s doing great, and both Mommy and Daddy are very excited and happy, if a little exhausted. And I have pictures…

Pictures of Mikey

All I can really say is wow. The labor wasn’t too bad… we had Nurse Rached, though, and since they had to induce her her contractions were close togther and painful. It was all over after 11 hours, though, and we have a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

Congrats on the new tax deduction! :smiley:

Congratulations; he’s a real cutie!

WAHOOOO!! I’m so very happy for you, Sani! :slight_smile:

You got a kid?!

Shit, congratulations my man!

I had no idea you were expecting!
Congrats, he’s beautiful!

Wow! Wow! just…WOW!

I was pretty stunned a month or so ago when someone else mentioned that you were gonna be a dad. You was just a crazy kid when first we met. How far we’ve come, eh?

Congratulations! It’s great to hear from you again, and I’m glad everything is okay!

Aww. Congratulations!

Sleep while you can. :smiley:


Congrats to the SaniFamily!


Hey, congrats! But be careful–and stay away from hard tile floors!

(Hey, guess you’re not gonna be around your former digs in late December, when I’ll be there, huh?)