It's all about FREEDOM, people.........

You had a good point about “post discipline”. A stupid assertion tacked on to the end can ruin the entire post.

Should’ve left it that. :wink:

No references to Garfield, Beanie Babies or chocolate. This sounds more like hubby Rick.

Yeah, and after hubby Rick has had his usual post-work snootful and discovered upon returning to the apartment that Jean has purchased yet another “too cute” Hummel figurine.

Talk about displacement!

is a slap in the face to anyone who loves his country enough to do something about it.

The only thing I take away from that statement is the firm knowlege that not only does this moron not vote, but would gladly end the process of voting on the principle that we must completely love our country or leave.

Ah, well. At least we have Jim Washburn.

Let’s see:

“Perhaps you don’t remember-we had wild monkey sex last night.”

Definitely NOT funny!

It’s very funny if you inagine you are listening to Richard Simmons say it to someone else.

It’s funny if he’s saying it to Pat Buchanan.

Right now, I’m so glad I have an office to myself. I don’t have to explain to anyone just why I’m convulsed with laughter.

I say combine Guin’s and Mockingbird’s ideas. The thought of Richard Simmons saying, “Perhaps you don’t remember-we had wild monkey sex last night,” is even more funny if you imagine him saying it to Pat Buchanan.

I know how to spell 'C’alifornia, ya bonehead. I was taking a shot at all the Hollywood lefties… they=liberals=commies=CA spelled with a “K”=the word looking Russian…get it…?
ah, never mind.


“You’re faaat! Move those thighs! Come on, work with me, Pat!”

Holy smokes!! Looks like I really tapped a liberal nerve on this board, didnt I?
OK…My comment about “GET A COUNTRY” was aimed mainly at the Barbra Streisands and others in Hollywood and the entertainment industry at large. Of course I dont think that everyone has to love “W”, or pack your bags. Im just so sick of hearing them rant and rave against the leadership in this country and using their celebrity and position to spout all the time. Of course the liberal media is all too willing to help them shove THEIR views down our throat, but what about us common folk? All we get are message boards like this…
Like my original message said, I hope this finds its way onto Bab’s laptop or PC. Especially hers, because I remember back in 92 she threatened to move out of the country if George Sr. won again.
Well Babs, does that offer still stand now that Jr. is in??? HMMMM??? Sure wish it did! The way those Hollywood lefties cover for their own but jump all over the GOP for the smallest things ticks me off. Case in point; They find nothing wrong with that immoral slob Clinton dragging the Presidency into the mud…“What the President does in his personal life is none of our business.”…But let Clarence Thomas mention something about a pubic hair on a can of Coke, or some such BS, and theres hell to pay!! Anita Hill made sure of that. So thats my view of those jackasses in Hollywood, for what its worth… So chill people.
As far as the rioting and looting going on over there now, its truly a bummer that has to happen, but dont blame this administration and our military campaign for that behavior. Its human nature, at its ugliest. Just think what kind of behavior would be going on over HERE if we had just been freed from some sort of oppression or dictatorship after 24 , or however many years…(hey, does 8 years under Clinton count…? Nah, I wont go there…) Heck, we’re bad enough in our major cities just after our teams win some sporting championship, forcryinoutloud!
So if you thought I meant EVERYONE had to love W, or get a country, youre wrong.
Just do me favor…if you know Barbras email addy , send this to her.



Would you have a problem with them speaking out if they agreed with you? Personally, I don’t give a good goddam what any celebrity has to say, but apparently other people do, else the question “What do you think about the war?” would never be asked of them. They do not have any sort of “responsibility” to support the current administration, or its actions.


And FOXNews. If you enjoy seeing celebrities getting their “comeuppance” for voicing ant-war views, try seeing if you can track down video of the so-called interview with Jeneane Garaffolo on Fox and Friends.


You must have been in a cave on Mars humming loudly with your fingers stuffed in your ears if you think Clinton got no criticism for the Lewinksy scandal.


Yeah! What the hell was her problem anyway? Sexual harassment is something that should stay quietly swept under the rug, especially when a man is up for nomination. :rolleyes: :


I do blame the administration, who should have been aware that this would happen, and prepared to deal with it. Anything else is sheer irresponsibility.


Oh, for the love of Christ . . .


Turning over cars and running around in the streets cheering is somewhat different from smashing a museum to bits.

Why? Think Babs needs a good chuckle?

Good god, you’re an idiot, cartfanhef.


The reason anything with a C is spelled with a K in Russian is because of the Cyrillic alphabet, dipshit.

And when you do it to make people look like commies, all you end up doing is making yourself look like a moronic conspiracy nut.
Bored. NEXT!

You mean, like “CCCP?”

So, you think liberal = “commie?”

Wow, here I always figured I was a liberal even though I didn’t think communism was truly viable in the long term, and I was a communist, all along! Thanks for setting me straight.

Oh, did you know “cartfanhef” = dipshit? It does.

I just wonder how cartfanhef feels about those “joyful” Iraqis taking their daily potshots at American troops these days.

Lemme guess… Bakersfield?

“Does the department go by the name ‘Ministry of War’? NO! It’s the ‘Ministry of Peace!’”

What a tool. I know plenty of intelligent conservatives, Sparky, and you’re making them look bad.

No. Because it’s little and unimportant.

If you were from, say…Japan, or Botswanna or someplace that people cared about, that’d be a whole diff’rent story.
