Coffee that is…my drug of choice…
I’ve been drinking Coffee for years, even as a kid I loved the stuff, black only, unless its cappuccino, and then it gets the fixings.
I’ve singlehandedly given Starbucks a mainstream source of income I think. I’ve been getting these killer headaches lately by about 3pm every day and they’re driving me insane. At first I thought it was staring at the computer screen all day, but I get up and walk away at least every 30 minutes or so. Then I thought it was lack of natural light…my new office(3 months) doesn’t have a window so I figured I needed sun. I started going outside once an hour…still no good.
Reluctantly I looked at the Coffee and started reading up on it. Apparently Coffee is very very bad for you, on level of a poisonous drug even. Coffee has what are called Melatoxins or something like that according to several things I read and even De-caffeinated coffee has these properties.
There are so many health conditions that can be attributed to Coffee its not even funny(serious its not)!!!
I quite drinking Coffee cold turkey 3 weeks ago today. It was hell to do, trust me…I kept looking over at the Coffee machine in my office thinking just one, and the headaches were killer, I had to go home one day it was so bad the first week. Now its over, and I’m coffee free! I don’t have headache problems any more, the problem I was having with sore and red eyes is gone, and I am thinking much clearer. I can literally tell that my whole outlook has improved, and my awareness also.
I attribute it all to taking Coffee out of my diet because nothing else has changed. It’s now herbal tea, and this stuff doesn’t screw your breath either, it actually improves it and makes me easier to get along with!
/takes another sip of Chamomile, hits Submit New Topic
Bully for you SkySlash. I myself am reluctant to give up the java. It’s the only vice I have left. (Maybe I’ll switch to wine for the benefits to my heart.) Seriously, coffee is one of those things I know is bad for me, but I won’t be giving it up anytime soon (fatty foods are also on the list). But I am always impressed by those with more fortitude than I.
Pretty scarry stuff. If you guys see any sign of “mental stability” in my posts, let me know OK?
Amen, Sky. I gave it up about a month ago, ironically enough for a pre-ulserous condition that caffeine was aggrivating. At first they thought it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and since caffeine was on the laundry list of things to stop eating for THAT, my doctor forbid me to drink coffee. Or drink soda. For a while, I was off all carbonated beverages, too.
I don’t know about you, Sky, but I’m sleeping at night. It’s amazing. I had attributed insomnia to stress for so long, that I stopped noticing it. After a week of no caffeine, the withdrawl symptoms had subsided, and I was well rested. Now I’ll have a coffee if I’m at a coffee house, or visiting someone, and it is offered, but other than that, I’m off.
I was one of the worst coffeeholic around. Back when I was working on an Air Force base, I’d drink coffee all morning with the rest of them, the John and I would drain a 30 cup percolator between lunch and quitting time.
I finally scaled back, and eventually switched to decaf. My only significant source of caffeine became iced tea.
Then Debbie came into my life. Actually, she came into the office and on her first day there declared that the coffee was crap. On her second day she brough a couple of pounds of coffee beans and her coffee grinder and in just one sip I was back to at least a pot a day habit.
That was 3 years ago and I still can’t go back to decaf.
They make coffee substitutes, you know, wasn’t one made of Barley called Postum or something? It tasted really weird. But anyway, if you go to the store & find some new stuff let me know what they have. Probably have to try one of those natural food stores.
I do not believe there is any proof that coffee is bad for your health. If there is, I’d like to see it.
having said that: I am a heavy coffee drinker and never had any problems sleeping or otherwise. I often quit for several months at a time just for the heck of it and when i quit I will suffer bad withdrawal for a few days, including the headaches.
BTW, I saw some study about migraines where they were studying headaches caused by coffee withdrawal because it seems these headaches are of the migraine type, not your regular headache.
Coffey, oh how I love thee.
my cure for the common headache is a nice cup or 4 of some nice strong coffey, it works on migraines too, after all Caffergot (SP) is caffine. i usually get my fix in the form of 2-3 one leiter bottles of Dr. Pepper a day, with a little redbull on the side. one day i went without my Dr. pepper and i about killd some of the guys i work with. so i decided i would just keep drinking it, after all why quit a good thing right?
Congratulations, Sky! Believe me, I know how hard it is to kick a “drug” habit, having been smoke free now for 1 month, 2 weeks, 3 days, 16 minutes and 46 seconds. I don’t think you’ll ever be sorry. It sure sounds like you’re feeling better already.
Not me, I’ll give up the kids first. I’ll even give up sex for coffee. Of course I don’t have any kids of my own & I don’t have a sex life either so it’s a real easy choice.