It's been 9 months since my husband died

You got that right.

Everyone’s different, though. For me, I think I went through most of my shock and sorrow a year ago, when she was diagnosed. At the moment, I feel like I’m doing ok.

Brynda, I cannot even imagine the pain you are going through, and won’t pretend that I can.

But I can say that I do feel for you. Yet, at the same time, I’m glad you got to experience a loving relationship that so many in this world never get to have.

I can’t think of a single damn thing I can do to make your life any easier right now, or your pain any less. But if you can think of anything I could do, please feel free to drop me a PM or email, OK?

You, too, BiblioCat.

Many hugs to both of you!

My husband died just over a year ago. We were together nearly all of my life. I’m finding this holiday season much more difficult than last year. Last year I was mostly numb. This year I’m feeling. I guess in some strange way it feels good to be sad–it would be awful if I didn’t miss him. But I’m crying a lot–everything from snow to music reminds me how much I long to share it with him–as does the new grandbaby. I wish I wish I wish I could see her in his arms.

With all that, I have found this year of mourning to be one of spiritual growth and deepening tenderness towards others who are grieving and hurt. It seems to be a time when we admit our need for other humans to touch and to condole. There never really is a satisfactory answer to the “why” questions. Some of us turn to our faith–which often offers comfort but acknowledges that the why remains a mystery. Others find strength in other places or simply let time do the healing.