It's been a tough week for ex-child actors - From "The Smoking Gun"

Macaulay Culkin Drug Bust

Tracey Gold of “Growing Pains” rolls her SUV down a hill with hubby and kids inside and gests busted for DUI

Edward Furlong the kid on T-2 plays with his food

I love the goofy, wasted smile in the McCaulay Culkin mug.

Tracy Gold should go to jail. What the hell kind of parent drives drunk with three young children in the vehicle. According to the SG page, one of them was 4 months old. What an incredibly reckless disregard for her own babies.

Tracy Gold really surprises me. I do agree she needs more than a slap on the wrist.

Furlong has apparently had a lot of problems with drugs and alcohol. Time to get cleaned up before it’s too late.

Why wasn’t her husband driving is what I want to know.

My guess is that he was drunk too.

Damn, Furlong looks hideous. I had the biggest crush on him back after T2.

I think I’m WAY over that now.

Tracey and her husband both need to go to jail. Whether he was drunk or not, he should never have put his kids in that car with a drunken driver.

Not defending him and I am definitely not a PETA person, but it seems like Furlong is getting ike a raw deal lumping him in – I get that he “smelled of booze and slurred his speech” but the cops were called because he was arguing with store management and creating a disturbance … over freeing Lobsters – I am sure this asshatery was liquior fueled and he should not get a pass – but it is a different story than, say driving drunk and breaking your seven year olds clavicle, or being busted for drug possesion and putting a wasted sh^t eating smirk on your face.

Just saying it was a different class of crime to be lumped in here. Bonus sympathy points to Furlong for the SG to throwing his address up on the 'Net

That’s the way MacCulkin always looks.

We left Kevin home alone WITH OUR STASH!

Geez. Macauley, you were great in Party Monster, but guess you didn’t notice it’s a cautionary tale about a murder, hmmmm?

That’s the way he’s ALWAYS looked. When I was nine or ten I wrote him a letter and got an “autographed” photo of him (you could clearly tell that the auotgraph was one of someone much older). In the photo he was smirking.

Man, if MacCauley’s eyes were any closer together, he’d be a Cyclops.

Dude. He began to ‘turn in circles’ when the officer tried to frisk him. Turn in circles. I don’t know where you come from but that kind of stuff doesn’t wash in Kentucky.

That search which led to a question which led to a demand which led to an inadvertant discovery in the Macaulay Culkin case seems hinky to me. I hope that he’s got a very good attorney. I don’t dig the way that shook out at all.