The good news: I got a new computer at work. The bad news: it has no modem!
Our office now has 2 computers that have the internet. They can be used for work related surfing only. This is why I’m posting so early in the morning.
So, I was playing Free Cell and a nosey supervisor (not my supervisor, I don’t have one) comes by my desk and says, “No game playing.” I say, “I am not going to stare at the wall for 4 hours. Go away.”
She didn’t like that, but she can kiss my ass, the nosey so-and-so. We call her “Queen” behind her back. She, like me, is the only member of her department and has decided she will supervise everyone else. She told a co-worker his cigarette breaks were too long. He told her “I can’t speak to you now, I’m on a cigarette break and I’ve recently been told I spend too long on them.”
Anyway. I’ll be posting less often. Few of you could not care less. The others could care less. See you around
… or even <<gasp>> brave the jungles of the public library and use their computers to post. I know it isn’t the most glamorous way to surf the SDMB, but it’s better than total withdrawal!
Public library? I saw Ghostbusters, Pink; I’d think twice about that if your branch is anything like the main branch.
I personally think some sort of after-traditional-work-hours ninja-style modem installation is in order for your work computer, but you know me, I just look for excuses for ninja-style anything.
I’m with Cajun Man on this one, Biggirl. I think you’ll have to bite the bullet and fork over the dough for the home version of our game.
Ya gotta do it, the SDMB wouldn’t be the same without you! I have such lovely memories of sharing sea bass with tree garnish with you a mere couple weeks ago.