It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

And I already look like a dumfuck since I meant that for Fugazi!

Certainly there will be. You’ll have a choice between Waterworld and The Adventures of Pluto Nash.

Fugazi, do you have to?

Yeah. I work in a NOC… 24/7 operations. If I don’t make it in, others will have to stay, (and probably get no sleep). I made it during that 3 feet we got a few years back. If/ when I get to work tonight, I’ll post again.

Damn. It’s starting to look a lot like Labor Day around here.

Thank You For Smoking was there. People in my area have crappy taste, so sometimes I get lucky like that.

Well, that sucked. I almost turned around before I reached the end of my block, but decided to stick it out.

I don’t know why people are shovelling their driveways, the footprints I made while leaving (16" deep) were completely filled in when I returned. The wind is really howling right now. I went by a library that has a flat brick wall facing north, and you can still see the tips of the grass blades near the wall. On the sides of the building where the drifts form, the snow is waist deep.

The employees at King Soopers are all pissed off because their relief is calling in saying they can’t make it. Some have been there since 6 AM.

The best part of the trip was finding out the Chinese place was still open, so now I have hot and sour soup and shrimp with garlic sauce in front of me.

It is still snowing heavily and I’d guess we have 15 or 16 inches on the ground (not in drifts). Cars are all over the place. The side streets are damn near impassable for anything but 4 WD right now. No way a sedan could get down my street.


I’m honestly surprised they haven’t closed. I hope they do soon. I can’t imagine there will be many more customers, unless Fugazi comes in looking for road flares. As far as I can tell, all or most of my neighbors are home, mostly coming in with bags of groceries and booze.

I have no intention of taking my sedan anywhere. Usually my area gets plowed fairly quickly for a side street; but I’m not figuring on even trying till Friday.

We probably have about 18" here at the base of North Table Mountain. I was just out in the snow with the dog.

My office in the Tech Center managed to be open at 7:00am, when I left for work, but closed at 8:30, when I got there. :mad: So I got new wiper blades, hung out at my wife’s office, and headed home about 11am.

Took me over 2 hrs to get home. I even managed to stop and help push three people up the ramp from I-25 NB to 6th Ave WB. Crazy 2WD people. :slight_smile:

My knees are cold.

Drat winter!!

I can really tell its winter…it has barely hit 70 all week! I hope we don’t all freeze…

Be safe out there, Antinor01!
:dubious: :wink:

I’m trying, I’m trying.

You can have a good laugh at my expense though, I’m flying to Ohio tonight. :wink:

17.5" now in Boulder County. We’ve got at least 12 more hours of this still to come.

I just strolled out in front of my building with a tape measure; 17" in one spot, 19" in another. No cars, or trucks, or anything have driven by in almost three hours. Even if they plow the street, nobody is getting out of here till the lot is plowed.

12 more hours of this? Just wow. I will say, it’s the most peaceful, quiet evening since I’ve lived here. :slight_smile:

My dad got stuck in Westminster cause US36 was at a standstill for hours. I came over to my family’s house early this morning because there was no way I was getting stuck in my little apartment for 2+ days with no human contact. I dug a path for the dogs to get out, the snow was starting to cover their doggie door. I had to dig a path from the back door to the doggie door first! I missed the '03 blizzard, so I’m kind of excited about this one. Not so excited about work being cancelled, and having to use 2 sick days, though!

By the way, frank, you and I live about 4 miles apart- I’m off of Havana and Mississippi- hello neighbor!

10 PM

Still snowing heavily.


Well, so much for work. Couldn’t get out of my driveway, and my driveway is only about 1 1/2 car lengths. Think we got 18 to 20 inches here. Hope they do some plowing tomorrow, or I aint getting out until Friday.

Im jealous of all the cold everyone else is getting…here in Dallas it was 55-60 today. I didnt even need a sweater.

Ha! It was 67 here on Friday.

My Corolla has all but vanished under the drifts and work has already told me not to come in tomorrow (and Friday we’re off for x-mas eve).

It was 80, humid, and still here today. It’s going to be 81, humid, and still tomorrow. It’s supposed to drop to 77 for Christmas, thank God, but it’ll be raining. Right now at about 3a, it’s 68, humid, and still.

Sometimes I hate where I live and now is one of those times. I’m crazy jealous of y’all. I just want to be able to turn off the A/C.