Truly mundane and pointless. I just had to give in and close my window, because the wind blew a poster off the wall. Which was held up with both masking tape and sticky-tak. :eek:
hides from scary wind
Truly mundane and pointless. I just had to give in and close my window, because the wind blew a poster off the wall. Which was held up with both masking tape and sticky-tak. :eek:
hides from scary wind
::Scott flies past::
It was so windy this afternoon in Maryland, I’ve been caried here.
(Just a joke, and a funny mental image, Scott’s still in MD.)
Nah, that’s normal for spring in New Mexico. Enjoy.
Yeah, we get that here in Kansas too. We call it spring. It doesn’t get extraordinarly windy unless there’s a tornado
Take care,
That blows!
Aw, come on… SOMEbody was gonna make that joke.
Amatuers! :rolleyes:
Yeah, it’s been pretty wendy here in Dallas too.
Try riding a motorcycle in this crap. The other day I practicaly had to ride my bike at a 45 degree angle (towards the wind) just to be able to drive in a strainght line.
Sounds like skirt weather to me…
[thinks fondly of Marilyn Monroe]
It’s dust exchange season. Arizona gets California’s dust, New Mexico gets Arizona’s dust, and West Texas gets New Mexico’s dust.
And Toronto gives everybody their cold winter air and snow. Neener neener!
Well, we had 40mph winds here the other day and that’s quite enough for me. It’s hard to walk into that kind of wind. It’s really hard to walk into that kind of wind in flip-flops.
Welcome to Lubbock, Texas. The land here is so flat, you can see the earth curve. Such flatness means we have no natural barriers to wind. As a result, dust and wind are the norm. Today is the second day in just about a week that we’ve had winds over 50 miles per hour. One of our neighbor’s trees snapped in half; luckily, the trees we just planted three weeks ago seem to be doing okay.
So, we got wind. I suppose there is a plus side, though: we never have air quality warnings. The wind just gets rid of everything, so pollution doesn’t get a chance to hang around. So that’s nice, I guess.
It was very windy here today. It’s still 28 mph right now. I like to think that spring is blowing in.
Denver. Check. Extremely windy. I saw a glass beer mug blowing down the street at about 30 mph, heading south.
Okay, maybe it was plastic.
It was so windy that when my cat came in from outside, he fell over!
My little 12 pound dog loves that weather. I can’t imagine why, as she looks like she’s about to be blown over.