It's "Gandhi" NOT "Ghandi", you cow-felching fools!

[Wow, my first-ever use of obscenity in the Pit and my first-ever use of the word “felch”, period. Felch. Felch felch felch felch felch felch. Hmmm, I kinda like it.]

Anyway, back to my point… Come on people, how difficult is it to get this right? This guy was, by any standard and from any viewpoint, a major world historical figure of the twentieth century, and at least half the references to his name that you ever see are misspelled. Do you see non-Americans going around making references to “Llincon” or “Wishington”? Are you just not paying attention, or what?

And for Pete’s, um, I mean for shit’s sake, don’t just leave out the “h” altogether and write “Gandi”, which is a form of a Hindi word meaning “dirty” or “filthy”! Damn, folks, if you’re going to insult people by twisting their names at least don’t do it accidentally. It’s distracting and unpleasant—think of the little double-take you’d do if you read a reference to “Martin Luther Kink, Jr.” and imagine it happening practically every felching time someone writes the name.

You say you can’t be expected to remember how some old Third World geezer from half a century back spelled his name? I have just the mnemonic aid you need, kiddies—come on now, all together to the tune of “Mother”:

G is for his garment made of homespun,
A is for the ashram where he taught,
N is Nehru, loyal as his own son,
D is for the dharma that he sought;
H is for the hunger self-inflicted,
I is India where his voice was heard—
Put them all together, they spell [fortissimo con portamento] GA-A-ANDHI,
A name that’s not a dirty word!

Very good. Now get it right, willya? Sheesh.

Who is this Gandy person?

btw - if I have to explain what I mean by it (felch - for instance), it ain’t an obsenity.

Oh, this is the pit, so - you fly squicking, camel felching, cow hugger!

And one huge, momma-squickin, banshee-felching AMEN from this Indian chick!


You’d really rather squick your momma instead of misspelling Gandhi?


shabash, tiggeril!

Well, considering that it’s biologically impossible for me to squick my momma, why not?


I’m unfamilar with this person aswell.

How big are ya mama’s lobes ?



Just thinking wierd thoughts about stainless steel dildos and auger bits - smack me for a stupid bastard.

Joe… ::smack::

yojimbo… ::thud::::thud::::thud::::thud::::thud::

tiggeril -

[breaks into song (John (cougar) Mellencamp))]

hurts soooo good, come on baby, hurts soooo goood!


“K” is for the kindly way she teases
“I” is for the India she’s seen
“M” is maybe something else that pleases
“T” is out of place because I’m mean
“U” is understood to be a vowel
“S” is simply there for sibilance
Put them all together they spell Kiiimmtuuuuss!!!
(I hope the spelling’s close enough plus chance.)

Personally, I wouldn’t be irked that his name was spelled wrong, I would be happy that his name was mentioned.

Besides, why does it even matter? Gandhi and Ghandi are both just phonetic english translations anyway. So either way, you’re still saying his name.

Is there a site that shows Gandhi’s name in the original script?

OK, I’ll insult the little naked midget on purpose, just to please you.

That little fuck GANDI felched cows, then squicked 'em to death, then ate big goddam greasy hamburgers made out of their dung-ridden asses and wiped his mouth on the Indian flag.



[anguished howl] NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Aspirated consonants in Indo-Aryan languages are distinct from the non-aspirated ones! So the non-aspirated guttural sonant “g” is not the same as the aspirated guttural sonant “gh”, and the non-aspirated dental sonant “d” is not the same as the aspirated dental sonant “dh”! Ask tiggeril or matt_mcl or any other Indian or linguist! Transliteration matters!!!

[calming down] You can compare the letters in the Indian Devanagari script at this page: “g” and “gh” are entries (row,column) 1,3 and 1,4 and “d” and “dh” are entries 4,3 and 4,4 in the table. Couldn’t find a Nagari version of Gandhi’s name, though.

(And xeno, I love you, but you knew that. :))