It's Monday Somewhere: a very early MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 41 Amurrkin out which is the high for the day. The temps will drop and rain will start and accordin’ to the weather PTB change to a WINTRY MIX durin’ the afternoon/evenin’. There should be ominous music to accompany WINTRY MIX to do it justice accordin’ to all the reports on local teevee. :smiley:

Butters yay for benign biopsy results!

Herbs yay for your cousin! Plus the joke made me lol. Not much does that. Also, YP is crazy about all things German and loves corny jokes. I can’t wait to tell him this joke. BTW today is YP’s bday. He’s thirty-six. Mayhaps I should call him Middle Aged Priest (MAP). :smiley:

Nuts because you wanted to be reminded…


Ok, I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy wants sustenance. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence. If’n it does get sleetlike out this afternoon I may decide to bug out early.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Blurf. That is all.

Red Rock Canyon at sunset. It’s an easy drive and an awesome view.
Nuts because you wanted to be reminded…



Alright, which of you knuckleheads changed my snow order? I can see right hear on my order sheet “Snow. Amt - 2 inches.” However the delivery dude says he has an order for 8+ inches. Not cool. I ain’t paying for the extra.

Also did I miss the memo that today is National Drive 5 MPH Below The Speed Limit Day? It is not going to start snowing until 5 PM, not 5 AM. No need to start practicing early. Sheesh!

I came very close to calling in sick today just because I could. But then I decided that maybe I’ll save it for tomorrow. Co-worker is having her gall bladder out next week and will be gone for many days … I should take a preparatory couch day.

That’s my favorite scene, actually. :smiley:

It’s snowing. I don’t have to go to irk in this. Tomorrow I will. :frowning: But not today. :slight_smile: I’m seriously considering washing the windows. Am I crazy? yes

Decided to take a vacation day tomorrow. Because that way I don’t have to wake up and lie about being sick. :slight_smile:

A friend of mine gave me her empty 10g fish tank complete with hood and Working fluorescent light. I am in big trouble lol.

Happy Toosday!

It’s a chilly 11 degrees with a projected high of 19.
After it was close to 50 yesterday.

Today is pizza day and laundry day, although I may go over to my friends house instead. She is a wreck, he was like a son to her, they had been together almost 20 years, she can’t wrap her head around this man that she loves as a son tried to kill her daughter.

The SOBs bail is set at $500,000.
What a monster he is.


We’re on a French Toast Advisory here, with standing orders/permissions to go home and telecommute if the weather gets ugly. So far, the radar is clear.

We just need to figure out how and who to meet up with when we’re in CA. Getting everyone to converge on SF would be a bit of an imposition, so we’re tentatively looking at flying into San Jose, working our way north and leaving from Reno.

Hmm… I’m sure there was something I should be doing, I wonder what it was…

Oh well, can’t have been anything important.

Gotti any trip that winds up in Reno has to be a good one! :smiley:

It’s cold and cloudy out. It looks like impendin’ doom. I kinda like weather that looks like impendin’ doom. I also really kinda sorta maybe do hope it’ll be too ick for goin’ out tomorrow. OYKW wants to stay at da cave tonight (like that’d be a problem ever), so that sounds like a plan to me. I got soup, chili, and beast stew, the kinda food for a cold, icky stay inside kinda day. Who knows, I may even make French Toast just to celebrate the occasion. Oh and hot chawklit! Gotta have hot chawklit, right?

Now I’m hongry. This means N.O.L.time!



Well, according to the latest weather guesser maps in motion, the sky will be various shades of blue above me starting at 2:30 this afternoon.

Which means, well, snow I guess. And lots of it.


Swampy, not to be a pain in the ass, but a half inch of ice is no shit trouble. That brings down branches & power lines, which can mean days without power.

If you have *any *‘stay at home without power’ preps to do, do it now.

I’ve covered this type of story many times and people without power for days are miserable as fuck.

If I am wrong and/or you are lucky, no loss. But ice storms are a bitch.
So this is day 9 of 12 in a row today. I was the on call photog this weekend. Heading up to a coworker’s house Saturday morning for a visit (he’s been out with a ripped up shoulder) some jackass decided to shoot up a local mall (Columbia, MD) and I got drafted to work 13 hrs on Saturday and 8 on Sunday operating the satellite truck.

Definitely on the burned out side right now.
Here they are calling for light snow tonight, 1-3 starting after 7pm. It has been pretty damn cold here for awhile (with just small breaks). Frozen pipes are a real concern with the small abode I call home. I hate to think of how much water I have wasted in the past two weeks.

Oh well. Hope everyone is having a decent week.

Seriously, do a little prep for ice if you are expecting it…

We have a French Toast Advisory in Southerne Merrylande as well. two to five inches of snow coming overnight. My peeps in Cottonfield County are expecting about a foot tonight.

We’re set on French Toast fixins, y’all think one roll of TP will last until Firday? :wink:

Depends on the recipe.

I just called my parents down in Princess Anne (MD Eastern Shore) and gave them the warning. They are all set but have decided to go out for lunch since they will be housebound for a few days.

I had left over ravioli for breakfast.
That was a mistake, putting tomato sauce on an empty stomach.

I should got out and start my truck being that I haven’t used it since last Moonday.

BBBobbio whether or not one roll will last until Firday depends on how much fiber you want in your French Toast. :stuck_out_tongue:

gigity I know what an ice storm can do. Believe me. Been there, done that, had the downed powerlines to prove it. Jawja Power is great so I really feel like we’ll be ok. The folks who depend on EMC and stuff like the city of Albeeeny’s service might not fare as well. Both tend to be on the sucky side when it comes to stuff like this. This will be gone by Thursday mornin’. We’ll have a high of seventy Amurrkin Sattidy. Go Figure.


And fortunately you have an overnight alternative heat source, so that helps.