It's Monday Somewhere: a very early MMP

It’s from Real Genius Rosie. If you have not seen it, I suggest you do so at your earliest convenience. It was made, as memory recalls, in 1985. 'Tis a hoot! :smiley:

Dindin is et and OYKW has gone to his place for the evenin’ cause he’s tahrd, poor thing. ‘Tis also rainy but this rain won’t last. The rain that’s supposed to mark the end of the world will start late tomorrow mornin’. If’n it really does get bad I might stay at his place tomorrow night. He has a natural gas furnace, water heater and stove. Da cave is all electric. Not that I’m that worried. I have Jawja Power and they do a standup job of keepin’ things goin’. Hey, a snuggle down with da squeeze is always a good thing, right? :wink:

I’ve seen it. I love it too. It’s why I fell in love with Val Kilmer.

Woot! Woot! Woot! Training in San Francisco!

We’re now trying to figure out what old favorite restaurants to go to, people to see, etc. Also scheming to bring back so e real sourdough and Meyer lemons.

I’ve run across a lot of SpazCats. Most of them are twenty to thirty years older than me. SpazMom had the most common name of 1948, so she made sure that The Three Weird Sisters had unusual names. She kind of slipped with Older Sister who had one of the most common names of 1972. (Not Jennifer.) I personally think she should have given us our middle names as our first names: Anita, Christina and Natalie. (Not in any particular order.)

*Willow *did that for me. Mmmm, Madmartigan. How ***you ***doin, Mr. Kilmer?

i can’t stop eating chocolate oh my god someone help me

Get a box. Put the chawklit in the box. Mail it to MOOOOOOM.

Problem solved! :smiley:

I cannot wait to see how tomorrow’s and Wednesday’s weather plays out. The local news is in such a total freak out! Seriously. Pure comedy gold is their freak out.

ETA: gotti yay for trainin’ in San Francisco! Sounds like DH will be able to go as well. Double yay for that.

Thanks swampy. :slight_smile:

Time to knit. I’s tahred…

Time to lie upon the bed and watch teevee like a big ol’ warthog until sleepy time.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

"I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, ‘… I drank what?’ "

For Monday, not too bad a day, aside from very little and very poor sleep last night. Will be going to bed early tonight.

I have the Idaho County court papers stating that I’m her executor. I’m sure I’ll be able to get it fixed when I go in person, but it would have been nice to fix it by phone.

Listening to Moxy Fruvous and doing laundry.

I never sleep, I don’t know why. I had a roommate and I drove her nuts, I mean really nuts, they had to take her away in an ambulance and everything. But she’s okay now, but she had to transfer to an easier school, but I don’t know if that had anything to do with being my fault. But listen, if you ever need to talk or you need help studying just let me know, 'cause I’m just a couple doors down from you guys and I never sleep, okay?

Behind as usual. Left my ipad at irk last week. That will not happen again. I just finished the last MMP and near bout posted there. Good mojo to the sickies happy burr day and birthdays. I had to bug the dr for my biopsy results and it is benign. Load off my mind.
The girl at irk with excessive absences was at irk today. Her hubby’s grandma died over the weekend but she was there. Before the end of the day hubby got new orders to Mia which is their hometown. One more month she will be gone which is a good thing for my program. So I feel some stress is over. More work for me but 8 can do it. rosies sig.

I worked a different store. I went to hockey. They started playing and won AFTER I left.:smack: There is no bread at the Kroger, everybody’s ready for the oncoming :eek:SNOWPOCALYPSE!:eek:

Spaz, I liked Willow, too. " “I dwell in darkness without you’ and it went away?!?”:smiley:

How do Mumpers,

I have been a lurkin but huntin wabbits so to speak. I head out to the Big D tomorrow during the snowpacolypse but no worries, we are taking two vehicles and one is a 4wd big diesel Excursion. Alas the show must go on.

Watch out all in the path, keep warm, get well sickies and a belated Happy Taterversary

Looking forward to seeing some of my East Coast Mumpers in just a few weeks.



My cousin is doing better; she had a cardiac cath and they found some blockage in her heart that they’re going to treat w/drugs. Hopefully, she’ll be able to go home tomorrow - before snowpocolypse!!! Her forecast is 2-12 in. - that’s a damn wide range imho!

On my ME-TV facebook page, Svengooli has posted (on his page, that is), Kerwyn’s joke of the week: What do you call a hot dog in a German beer mug?

Frank n Stein!

LOL! Don’t blame me, throw chickens at Svengooli! :wink:

Good news about your cousin, Herbs, I hope she continues to improve and also avoids the snowpocalyse. Does she have someone at home to make French Toast for her?

Rosie, yes I’ve been to Vegas about four times now so I will be looking for new and exciting things to do! I think this time it might involve a hire car and a bit of exploring.

Right…off to be trained on something I used once and have completely forgotten about…

Up, caffeinated, and off to work.

Yay for your cousin, Herbs!

Up, didn’t oversleep, and actually feel awake for once! Obviously pub games nights agree with me, and should take place more often.

Willow was the very first film I saw at the cinema, and all I can remember about it was a guy in a cage onna stick, the name Madmartigan, and the line ‘Oh no, he’s going to throw an acorn at me!’. I presume there was a bit more to it, but I think I’m quite happy not knowing.

I’m supposedly working tonight- reckon it’ll be called off though, if this rain keeps up, if the pitch was too wet on sunday, I doubt it’s any drier now. I hope it is on, I need the money…