It's my yard you fuckhead

I’m with PL…in fact, anyone who hurt one of MY kitties would be wearing depends for the rest of their lives…

RE: animal hides vs. a BB gun

I realize this is merely a testimonial and there are no cites, my grandmother once had a tom cat named Pirate that a neighborboy decided needed to be shot full of BBs. The cat lived, but he had at least 5 or 6 BBs lodged under his skin, which took several days, even weeks, to work out. Not a pleasant experience for all involved.

Go ahead, blame my grandmother for letting the cat out and the cat for going on the neighbor’s property, even though that’s beside the point. I’m just trying to point out that BBs can and do hurt animals.


Phil, I’m not going to get into a bitch fight with you here on the board. Frankly, this conversation has turned a little too sophpomoric already for me even to be interested in it anymore, so this will be my last post here.

We both know your example was extreme and unrealistic. Obviously I would never hurt a child, although I have and will continue to correct idiot parents if they don’t take appropriate corrective actions to silence obnoxiously screaming children in public places. If it came down to hurting an animal, I certainly wouldn’t take pleasure in it, other than regaining my piece of mind. I’m sure you take a lot of pride in being the protector of your cats, but I could seriously care less. As a matter of fact, when it comes to animals, domesticated or not, I could care less. If an animal compromises my happiness, whether due to crapping on my lawn, incessantly yapping, digging holes or whatever, and the owner fails to take responsibility, I will take it into my own hands to make sure the animal knows better, and it’s not going to be pretty if that happens.

Let’s leave the idle threats to the schoolboys m’kay tough guy?

I imagine so; to be honest, I don’t know for sure, but the cops were over there about the stupid dog (and other dogs they owned, all of them hit by cars since they wandered everywhere.)

My brother had a few neighborhood dogs crapping on the lawn. He spoke with the owners without results. Being the animal lover that he is, he didn’t want to harm the dogs just for the fact that the owners were irresponsible. He finally came up with a solution and he hasn’t had a turd on his lawn for the last two years.

He got a piece of plywood (8’X6’) and painted in huge red letters “POISONED DOGGIE BISQUITS ON THIS PROPERTY” then placed it right in the middle of his front yard. Of course he really didn’t have poisoned doggie bisquits, but it sure has forced the neighbors to be more responsible.

The cops drove by a couple of times and them stopped to talk to him. When he explained the situation and assured them that there were no poisons bisquits, they laughed and complimented his creativity. One of the cops asked if he could come back one day and borrow the sign himself.

…on the subject of barking dogs there exists a humane and VERY effective solution … an electric bark collar, works like a cherm, Isweartogawd! …look, I am the bigest softy in the world as it relates to animals, and I did this with a great deal of trepidation,AND I squirmed like HELL each time the collar shocked her, but we were at the end of our rope and had racked our brains and had tried many other possible methods to adress a barking ( and aggression) problem, she simply would NOT respect any other aproach! and it took exactly TWICE to solve this situation AND it has been 12 weeks and counting. The first !JOLT! suprised and shocked (…sorry) her…the second jolt confirmed her 1st impression, and it hasn’t been a problem since, I couldn’t friggin’ belive how very well it worked, I was very skeptical…hope this is of some help, it would have been to me

…oops, works like a CHARM! I mean

Demo, I don’t want to get into a “bitch fight” with you, either. My point is, you would (I sincerely hope) no more assault a child for crying than you should assault a dog for barking, or crapping, or whatever.

Dogs bark. That’s part of the very definition of a dog. If it is doing so at inappropriate times, or in inappropriate places, you can’t bargain with the dog, or reason with it, or personally counteract the obvious bad training it’s getting at home. It’s a dog. It probably understands a few simple commands, and its name, but it doesn’t understand “It’s not OK to bark right now, we have to be quiet.” But that doesn’t mean you should shoot it, or poison it, for god’s sake, and it’s the cavalier insinuation that it’s OK to do that that pisses me off.

If a neighborhood pet is behaving that way, and the owners are unresponsive, call the police. Call them every time. Eventually, either the courts will order the owners to keep the pet indoors or under supervision at all times, or to give the animal up. (Hopefully, they won’t simply order a barking dog to be euthanized. There are shelters and organizations across the country that will take unruly pets in.)

We aren’t talking about pulling a put bull off of a six-year-old, here, we’re talking about barking. Let’s try and keep some perspective.

Why not use the wrist rocket or BB gun on the neighbor? Or on a bad owner?

If a dog is vicious, have the proper authorities put it down legally. If a dog is an annoyance, again have the authorities deal with it. What if the psycho whose dog you shot comes after you with a shotgun? It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but using good sense in this day and age.

It’s not the dog’s fucking fault.

Back to the OP- even if the dogs are barking at the neighbor, so what? They are on the other side of a fence, and pose no threat. So his statement that he is too scared to park in his spot is his own fucking problem. Period. The complaint is that he’s scared, not that the barking dogs are a nuisance.

Blow 'em off.

My neighbor had a kitten… well it was at my house often enough it was practically mine… anyway one day it didn’t come home (she lets her cats outside–something I don’t agree with) and a few weeks later we discovered why. BB Gun. Dead kitten.

Wow… I just lost just about every shred of respect I used to have for you.

Not to be a dick or anything, but Phil, you’re a self righteous, holier-than-thou asshole, and everyone knows it. Why must you continue to prove it? You make brash generalizations, which are completely inaccurate and very extreme, then when you are called on it, you respond with “well, OBVIOUSLY I wasn’t talking about them, and for that matter, that poster is an idiot.” You are also a sniveling hypocrite, who preaches 24/7 about “temperance” and “acceptance,” yet refuse to show any of the same that is given you. I respect and accept your views. I do not share them, but I do not begrudge you the right to have them. It is because it is a God (or state, if you prefer) given RIGHT to have any view on any subject that you wish, right or wrong. This is what you preach, yet you still hypocritically attack any conflicting views! How can you expect respect and acceptance if you are not willing to grant the same?! You cannot do that and maintain any iota of respect from me, although you probably care not one bit about my respect. Do you care that OTHERS lose respect for you when you exhibit such behavior? No, probably not, because you are ‘right’ in your actions, and therefore, if they do not respect you for it, they are not worth worrying about, correct? That is a truly bastard way to behave, and you of all people should be mature and intelligent enough to realize that. I try hard to like you, Phil, and accept your views which are so far removed from mine, but when you continue to behave in this manner, it’s really hard to appreciate anything you have to say.

If you’ll read my post (at least make an effort to understand it, as I did write it in easy to read English, you know), you’ll notice that I did try to get the owners to take control of the dog. They wouldn’t, because bringing it inside would compromise their happiness. If they refuse to control and contain their own dog, and their dog is infringing on my ability to fucking sleep I have every right to put a stop to it’s incessant barking, whether you agree with the method, or not. I don’t care that ‘barking is it’s nature,’ which it isn’t. A dog is a pack hunter, no? How does it help the pack if the dog sits and barks at a streetlight all night? It doesn’t. Barking for six hours each night is surely not the nature of the dog, just as talking to no one in particular for hours is not the nature of a normal, rational human being (if you’re going to make obviously distant comparisons, you must grant me the right to do so also).

Since this dog was not only acting unnaturally, but also infringing on my ability to sleep (me being a higher mammal, I do think [as do most normal, rational, thinking human beings] that my happiness and ability to function comes before any lower animal, regardless of it’s ‘nature’ or ‘intent’) I was well within my rights to forcefully correct the dog’s behavior, in a non-lethal manner, which I did. You cannot fault me for this any more than you could fault a person for smacking a dog who nips at children.

I await your reply, although I doubt you will, judging by your track record when shown to be out of line.


RE: Barking dogs - many communities have noise and nuisance ordinances, check 'em out. It may take some doing (like taping a dog barking for several hours straight), but you can have legal action taken against the owners. Dogs do bark. But to expect your neighbor to listen to your darling poochikins bark for several hours straight and/or for long periods of time in the middle of the night, well, that’s unreasonable.

True, animals are not wholly to blame for their behavior; the owner is the one who should be punished.

So, shave around the dog’s ass and smear it with Vaseline, then call the police about the perverted things your neighbor’s doing with his dog in full view in his backyard. No harm to the dog, and the neighbor gets an extremely humiliating comeuppance.

I should mention that I live in the country, miles from a town.

No animal control, cops don’t give a flying fuck, and the laws are… ahem, ‘lightly’ enforced.


Phil, before this thread sits any longer, I wanted to come back and apologize. I had no right to say some of the stuff I did. It was over the top and uncalled for.


I apologize for pissing you off, Homer. The cavalier attitude I often see on the SDMB towards harming animals really gets under my skin, and I speak out more harshly than I sometimes ought to. Believe me, it’s a failing I recognize in myself.

I did read that you had tried to reason with your neighbors to no avail; my argument was that that doesn’t give you the right to harm the dog. If police and animal control in your area is unresponsive or nonexistent, my honest suggestion would be to steal the dog and send it {url=“”]here.

Sadly, such neighbors have long since moved, and have been replaced by annoying little kids. :slight_smile:


Ponch, I mean when there is no one in the house. Some guy could just shoot them and climb over the fence. They would start barking, but people are so used to hearing dogs barking they wouldnt take any notice.