No, of course it isn’t. (SFW)
I hear one can get a good deal on an Andrew Cuomo costume. The pants are half-off.
Moving this to IMHO. It’s not really about politics.
That’s the least inappropriate costume in their whole f-ing catalogue. Nice viral marketing though.
Yeah. Showing a bit of leg is somewhat sexier, I guess, but it’s pretty far from the costumes that started this meme in the first place. Just about everything that women wear would be considered inappropriately sexy by this metric.
Wow, they didn’t try very hard here, did they? The jacket looks nothing like Bernie’s jacket, and the mittens look nothing like Bernie’s mittens, and all disposable face masks look alike. And… that’s the entire costume. Most folks probably already own closer approximations. The only thing that even makes it recognizable is the folding chair, and I’m sure that’s not included (and besides, who wants to carry their own chair to a costume party?).
Just waiting for the “Sexy Van Girl” costumes to come out inevitably.
From the fall of 2014, we had this.