It's not rocket surgery

Half a loaf is better than a rolling stone

A bird in the hand is better than none.

Don’t mix your metaphors before they’re hatched.

maybe, but it could be Brain Science.



“The early bird gets the worm, but the early worm gets a spot in the early bird’s stomach, and can’t escape from it.” - Cannibal Ox

Look, I’m just talking out loud, but I could care less which way the sun blows.

One I often say after a particularly draining day at work:

“Man, I got the beat shit out of me.”

That’s the best username since sliced bread.

Similarly, my friend’s favorite, “I gotta race like a pisshorse!” Soon abbreviated to “I gotta race!”

And about that time 3 bird dogs went flying by…

It’s a good thing I keep half my water in a redundant glass.

You can’t always get what you want,
but if you try sometimes,
you’ll find,
you get what you don’t want.

I was going to compile these all for sharing tomorrow, but I decided to wait when I remembered that old adage:

Don’t count your chickens in one basket.

My personal motto:

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. :smack:


You can’t pull the wool out from under my nose!

Trying to get a doctor on Wednesday is like trying to shoot a horse on Sunday.
An ounce of prevention is better than pounding the table.
Don’t twiddle your knee-caps at me!
A carpenter’s son doesn’t have shoes.

Many hands are an electrician.
He who laughs last is slowest on the uptake.
A kind word, a gun and a tax investigator get you further than a kind word.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, send an email

Every Silver Lining has a Cloud

Don’t wait, man! You gotta strike while the iron is plugged in.