It's Spring! It's Sequential Threads

**Potty training children in non-US cultures
What did you wear under your graduation gown/robe?
A Very Un-PC Thread: The Most Unhygienic Custom You Can Think Of.
Stadium Pal? Or, Adult Diapers? **

I know I should respect other cultures, but by the time you finish college you oughtta be able to hold it in, no matter what they do in their own country, know what I’m saying?

**Which would frighten you MORE: Bungee Jumping or Sky Diving?
Have you had something happen that should’ve hurt you… **

A question about diarrhea.
Onto what can you fall from 15K feet without a parachute and survive?


**I hate being an atheist
Why I’m going to hell, part bajillion and nine **

**What is the rationale for opposition to same-sex marriage?
The Obama Show faces cancellation **

So it’s all a ratings stunt ?

**in-grown whisker - yuck
Dopers To The Rescue!!! **


**You Can’t Buy Loyalty, They Say…
Pick up new beagle Saturday **

You can come awful close.

**Stadium Pal? Or, Adult Diapers?
The Bucket Over The Door Gag **

:eek: Ewww. That’s just going too far.

**What Fashion Do You Wish Would Come Back
Potty training children in non-US cultures **

It went out of fashion?

A repeat of

followed by
Desperately seeking silver linings.

Married Women: Are you still getting head?
What is the most ridiculous way you’ve ever injured yourself?


Road Kill Locations
Can you turn petroleum into food?

Yes. Put the petroleum distillate into an automobile. Drive until you see an animal…

**Giant panda cub cuteness alert!
Time to get ready for the coming Socialist Revolution! **

Ah, so those pandas were Chinese Communist agents ***all along ***!

I’m Getting Re-Married, Kids!
just random griping
I am a grumpy poster in the mornings.

So, hopefully by the afternoon you’ll feel better better about the marriage?

**Geeky Guys are Hot!

Help me buy a computer…talk to me like I’m five


Whatever turns you on…

Does a cyanide capsule really kill instantly? How?
A question about diarrhea.

Let us hope that it is indeed instant…

Desperately seeking silver linings.
The Does this thing exist thread.

A little pessimistic?

** Why the big deal over torture?

Ticking Time Bomb
I thought that argument was passe

**What do North Americans call those things that you use to fasten your shirt?


**What is the rationale for opposition to same-sex marriage?
Chances of life appearing

But what about old or infertile hetero couples!

**Looking for book for 9 year old girl.

Pride and Prejudice…and Zombies

It would depend on the 9-year-old girl

Baby in a Convertible
Safest car for the freakishly small?