It's the Independence Day in December MMP

Our President has signed an executive order granting all Feds a paid half-day off on the 24th. I’ll take it.


Well, I’ve made it to lunch having done two minor corrections to two different drawings. And nothing else. BORED!!!

It’s taco time for brunch

Tequila goes with cucumber, too.:slight_smile:

Butters, wish my boss would pay me to leave early.

Sari, if you’re looking for some ordnance to deal with the neighbors, talk to Ruble. He has a 6 pounder that would fix the issue.:smiley: (heck of a Freudian slip)

Yay cucumbers because pickles

You’d think I’d know my ordnance from my ordinance - especially growing up by Ordnance Rd which every body calls Ordinance Rd.

Same with Elvaton Rd which every body from outside the area calls Elevation Rd.

So I have a call in with the landlord. I had to call the police as well because somehow my tires got flat. I have a case number and have been advised to get a peace order against the neighbor. I cannot believe the police officer actually said fuck in front of me.

Hopefully a talk with the landlord will put a stop to it and it will not escalate.

Sari, hope he was saying “f***” about the situation and not to you…neighbor feuds are probably not their favorite calls. But with your flat tires it obviously has escalated beyond words. Be careful and document, document, document.

Hope the landlord can get it settled to your satisfaction.

FCM, two letters and scheduling a meeting was the sum total of my morning exercise. I have a major “deep dive” to finish, but I’m delaying work on it because it is a dumb report and I’m going to have to…prevarcate…due to what the bosses want to hear on it…

Well, hump day tomorrow…

Eat enough tequila-soaked cukes & you’ll be pickled. :smiley:
Sari, seriously think about security cams. Remember tugig’s story.

spidey, put a little tomato juice wit the salt, lime cue and tequila and you hav a pretty good cocktail.

I’m having a blonde day. I walked off this morning without my purse, which means not only do I not have my phone and driver’s license with me, but I had to come in through the front entrance to get my security badge of shame . That only gets me into about half the campus unaccompanied (fortunately, I haven’t had the need to go much beyond my desk) which is a big PitA.

Well now they are putting a carport up out there

The police are on the way told me to stay inside and let them handle it

A carport out where? Not in your yard, I trust?

It’s what it looked like to me, but whatever they were putting up the police came out and now they and it are gone. It looked like they were putting up poles with a cover over it.

I’m still madder than hell.

Hopefully I will be cooler if and when the landlord ever calls.

On a good note though

The art professor finally put some grades out there. One test is still missing but Sah-son would have had to have failed it badly to bring his grade down to a B.
So at this point it looks like he got all A’s!

The window covering for the kitchen window came today and it is half way up. I got window film in a bamboo print. We have the top half done. I’m not sure I want to do the bottom half.
I’m debating covering the windows in the front door as well. I like the light coming in and people standing outside can’t see much except for the dryer and the stove. I like being able to look out of somebody is knocking at my door. I’ve thought about getting some kind of plant to put in the hall and the light would do it good.

Sari - wow, what a day you’re having! Good luck.

Made it to lunch. Put peanut butter on my toast before I toasted it. :smack: I scraped off what I could, then toasted. Smells a little burnt, but it’s not bad.

More coffee shall be applied.

When she was very ill, my MIL toasted buttered bread. Very smoky.

and on it goes

now OAOASO just sent me a text, and one I probably shouldn’t ignore.

Well considering the mood I’m in, it’s probably better I don’t answer.

I gave Gordie a second long walk. Now I’m off to the bar to watch hockey.


**FCD **is snoozing. Supper will be pulled poke on italian bread, when he wakes up. Higgs has been fed. I’m just killing time.

Daughter’s gift arrived this afternoon - YAY!! I think I’ll do my wrapping tonight and that’ll be that.

Two more work days this week. Then one next week, and a week from today, we drive south.

Woohoo! FCD’s desk was just delivered! When I wake him up, we’ll get it into the house. The nice FedEx driver set it in the garage so I could push it towards the door. Glad I was here when it arrived!

Howdy Y’all! Irk has been survived. YAY!!! That means three more this week, two next week, and none the week after. We et at the country cookin’ [del]hog trough[/del] buffet place mostly due to the fact that we were both sufferin’ from a fried chikin deficiency which is now cured. :smiley:

{{{sari}}} here’s hopin’ the neighbor thing goes away soonest. Not a good way to spend a day but they gotta learn.

red sometimes I like to put a little V8 and tabasco sauce in beer. We call it a “Bloody Bubba.”

swampy, when I tended bar in Indiana, we called that red beer.